The major nutrients include:
Macronutrients and Micronutrients
protein, carbohydrates, fats
vitamins and minerals
● These are foods that make the body grow. These are foods rich in protein, iodine, iron and
vitamin B.
Body-building foods
● These are foods that give us energy we need in doing everyday task. Food that is rich in
carbohydrates and fats (e.g. potato, bread, butter, corn, cassava, coconut milk)
Energy-giving foods
● These are foods that keep all or organs working and in good condition, help in fighting common illnesses. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals (e.g. green leafy vegetables, fruits)
Body-regulating foods
● Main source of energy for man
● There are three major types of dietary
carbohydrates: starch, sugar and fiber
● It modulate the production of insulin and other hormones as well as synthesis of lipoproteins and cholesterol
● Dietary fiber provides bulk resulting in the modulation of peristalsis movement and the prevention of constipation
Dietary fibers can be classified as:
Soluble and Insoluble
dissolves in water to form as gel within the digestive tract and serves to slow the rate at which food passes through small intestine. Found in beans, legumes and some fruits like apple and some grains like oats and barley.
it has lowering effects because it increases production of short-chain fatty acids by fermentation in the large intestine. This fiber
increases bulk in the GI tract and promotes GI motility, hastening movement of gut contents. Found in vegetables and whole wheat grain.
● Essential for growth and repair of body
tissues since they constitute the major part of the body’s building blocks
● Vital in the regulation of body processes
● The source are fish, poultry, meat, eggs,
dried beans
● When dietary protein is deficient, there is a failure of growth and development in infants and children or loss of body tissues in adult
● Protein energy malnutrition lead to
Kwashiorkor and marasmus
● When dietary protein is deficient, there is a failure of growth and development in infants and children or loss of body tissues in adult
● Protein energy malnutrition lead to
Kwashiorkor and marasmus
● Provides essential fatty acid
● Also helps absorb and store fat-soluble vitamins