UCSP QUIZ REVIEWER 3-11-2023 Flashcards
Scientific study of man or
human beings
the study of human
societies and elements of cultural life
Cultural Anthropology:
The study of human social
relationships and institutions
Introduces the
discipline of sociology, including its history,
questions, theory, and scientific methods; and
what distinguishes it from other social science
Sociological perspective
Three Major Theoretical Perspectives
- Functionalist perspective
- Conflict perspective
- Symbolic interaction perspective
social science that deals
with humans and their interactions; it essentially
deals with the large-scale actions of humans,
and group mentality
Political Science:
Studies the
tendencies and actions of people which cannot
be easily quantified or examined
Political science perspective:
a group of people with
common territory, interaction,
and culture.
The definition of
society has two types:
functional definition and the
structural definition.
Reasons people live together as a society
- For survival
- Feeling of gregariousness
- Specialization
Shared patterns of
behavior and associated
meanings that people learn
and participate in within the
groups to which they belong.
Rich diversity in social patterns
that different human groups exhibit around the
Cultural Variation:
Patterns or traits that are
globally common to all societies.
Cultural Universals
Anything that is used to stand for
something else. It is anything that gives meaning to
the culture.
Known as the storehouse of culture.
Application of knowledge and
equipment to ease the task of living and maintaining
the environment.
Culturally defined standards for what is good
or desirable.
Conceptions or ideas of people have about
what is true in the environment around them like what is
life, how to value it and how one’s believed on the value
of life relate with his or her interaction with others and
the world.
Specific rules/standards to guide for
appropriate behavior.
There are two types of norms.
Proscriptive norm
Prescriptive norm
- Norms: There are three forms of norms.=
➔ Folkways
➔ Mores
➔ Laws
Refers to the physical objects,
resources, and spaces that people use to define their
Material Culture:
Refers to the nonphysical ideas
that people have about their culture, including beliefs
values, rules, norms, morals, language, organizations
and institutions.
Non-Material Culture
Same culture may take place in two or
more different places.
Refers to those behavioral patterns that
pass back and forth from one culture to another.
Takes place when two or more
cultures are fused or merged into one culture
making it different from the original culture.
Takes place when people break away from
their original culture and start developing a different
culture of their own.
Process wherein individuals
incorporate the behavioral patterns of other cultures into
their own either voluntarily or by force.
When the culture of a larger society is
adopted by a smaller society, that smaller society
assumes some of the
When the larger society and smaller
society are able to respect and tolerate each other’s
culture even if there is already prolonged contact of
each other’s culture.
the regard that one’s own
culture and society is the center of everything
and seen as the most efficient and superior
among the cultures in the world.
feeling of disoriented,
uncertain, out of place or even fearful when
immersed in an unfamiliar culture.
Culture Shock:
the practice by
assessing a culture by its own standards
rather that viewing it through the lens of one’s
own culture. It has its advantages:
Cultural Relativism:
A natural process of biological
changes occurring in a population across
successive generations.
“Manlike Primates”
“Handy Man”
Homo Habilis
“The Upright Man”
Homo Erectus
“The Thinking Man”
Homo Sapiens
Four Biological Capacity of Human to
Develop Culture
➔ Our thinking capacity
➔ Our gripping capacity
➔ Our speaking capacity
➔ Our walking/standing capacity
(Old Stone Age)
Paleolithic Period
(New Stone Age)
Neolithic Age
3 million years to 8,000 B.C.
Paleolithic Period
Use of simple pebble tools.
Paleolithic Period
Learned to live in caves.
Paleolithic Period
Discovered the use of fires.
Paleolithic Period
Developed small sculptures; and monumental painting,
incised designs, and reliefs on the wall Of caves.
Paleolithic Period
“Food-collectin cultures”
Paleolithic Period
10 000 BCE
(New stone age)
Neolithic Age
Stone tools were shaped by polishing or grinding.
Neolithic Age
Settlement in permanent villages.
Neolithic Age
Dependence on domesticated plants or animals.
Neolithic Age
Appearance of such crafts as pottery and weaving.
Neolithic Age
“Food-producing cultures”
Neolithic Age
4,000 B.C. - 1,500 B.C
Age Of Metals
The used Of metal such as bronze, copper, and iron
produced a new historical development form cradles
civilization of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, including
India and China which later on spread throughout
Age Of Metals
The civilization which defines to a more developed
social, cultural, political and economic system.
Age Of Metals
It had already direct contacts through tribes,
kingdoms, empire and later on state which the
constant political activities were through conquest,
wars and trade.
Age Of Metals
primary transnational entity that manages
and negotiates matters relating to human
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
refers to the culture, language, social
structures and one’s position within that
particular society.
Context examples:
➔ Gender Stereotypes
➔ Race
comprise the work of
Content and Process:
The outcome of socialization and
refer to the way a person conceives and
conducts after undergoing this process.
Respect and acknowledge of
an individual person, a human being.
Human Dignity:
Legal, social, ethical principles
of freedom or entitlement; are the fundamental
normative rules about what is allowed of
people or owed to people, according to some
legal system.
Human Rights
The sum of those conditions
of social life which allow social groups and
their individual members, relatively thorough
and ready to access to their own fulfilment.
Common Good