Organization Management Flashcards
Is a multi-purpose organ
that manages the business and manages
managers and manages workers and
Father of Management
Peter Drucker
Management is a _______
Multi-purpose organ
“_________ is to forecast, to plan, to
organize, command, to coordinate
and control activities of others.”
“Management is to forecast, to plan, to
organize, to command, to coordinate
and control activitites of others.”
Henri Fayol
Father of Modern Management
Henri Fayol
Father of principle of management
Henri Fayol
Is the art of knowing what
you want to do and then seeing that thet
do it in the best and cheaper manner
“Management is the art of knowing what
you want to do and then seeing that thet
do it in the best and cheaper manner.” - By who?
Frederick W. Taylor
Father of Scientific Management
Frederick W. Taylor
“______is the art of getting
things done through people.”
“Management is the art of getting
things done through ________.”
“Management is the art of getting
things done through people.”
- Mary Parker Follett
is the attainment of organizational goals
in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling organizational resources.
Management is the attainment of what?
Organizational goals
in an effective and efficient manner
It is a means to
achieve certain
An essential element
of every organized
Ongoing and
Characteristics and Nature of Management
1) goal oriented
2) universal
3) continuous process
is a group of people bonded together
with common goals and objectives.
Typically, it is formed due to the reason of human satisfaction and security.
Organization is typically formed via
Human satisfaction and security
All people in the group
should be harmonized
Every member has a
role and responsibility
Division of Labor
Every member as a
common ground
Common Goal
Has a hierarchy of people
that leads the members
Command Level
Characteristics of Organization
1) Coordination
2) Common Goal
3) Division of Labor
4) Command Level
The period of 1700 to 1800 emphasizes the industrial revolution and
the factory system highlights the industrial revolution and the
importance of direction as a managerial purpose.
Pre-scientific Management
Period (before 1880)
The period of ___________ emphasizes the industrial revolution and
the factory system highlights the industrial revolution and the
importance of direction as a managerial purpose.
1700 to 1800
Important contributors:
● Charles Babbage
● James Montgomery
● James Watt
● Charles Dupin
is the earliest thought of
Classical Theory
was associated with
the ways to manage work and organizations more efficiently.
It is known as scientific management.
Classical Theory
the founders of scientific
management and administrative management.
F.W. Taylor and Henri Fayol
It was closely associated with the industrial revolution
and the rise of large- scale enterprise.
Classical Period:
It attempts to find methods that increase output of
Classical Period
It stresses on formal structure of jobs and work
schedules to satisfy individual and organizational needs.
Classical Period
Who discovered the Scientific Management Theory
(Frederick W. Taylor)
It was developed because of the need to increase
productivity and increase worker’s efficiency.
Scientific Management Theory
Differential wage rate system was introduced
Classical Period: Scientific Management Theory
Fayol’s Classical Organisation Theory who made it?
(Henri Fayol)
It was focused on managing the organization as a whole
Fayol’s Classical Organisation Theory
Five functions of management was introduced:
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling
Weber’s Bureaucracy Theory - who made it?
(Max Weber)
The rational-legal authority system/model was introduced
characterized by:
-Division of work
-Rules and Regulations
-Hierarchy of authority
-Record keeping
-Impersonal relations
is built on the base of classical theory.
Classical theory concentrated on job content and
management of physical resources whereas, neoclassical
theory gave greater emphasis to individual and group
relationship in the workplace.
Neoclassical Theory
The neo-classical theory pointed out the role of
and sociology
___________ pointed out the role of psychology
and sociology.
The neo-classical theory
considers an organization as an adaptive
a system that has to adjust to changes in its environment.
Modern Theory (System Approach)
It was developed as a synthesis of quantitative theory,
systems theory, contingency theory and operational theory
of management.
Modern Theory (System Approach)
The rational-legal authority system/model was introduced
Weber’s Bureaucracy Theory