Formation of Elements Flashcards
How old is the universe?
13.7 billion years old
Since the cosmos began, a few of the
heavier elements in the universe were made when what occurred?
When Two neutron stars collided together and exploded with a mighty crash.
Since the cosmos began, what type of elements were created?
Heavier elements
What were the 2 lighter elements created during the big bang?
Hydrogen and Helium
What type of elements are Hydrogen and Helium?
Lighter Elements
Where does a living organism come from?
None living organisms
Life began on?
What created microbes?
Natural Events
What collided during Natural Events?
Planets are considered?
What theory says we came from water?
Primordial Soup Theory
Elements are made of?
Atoms are made of?
Protons, neutrons, and electrons
Elements up to what? Require the process of fusion deep within a star’s core.
Elements up to iron require the process of?
Fusion deep within a star’s core.
elements like ____________ needed
to be created by a SUPERNOVA. (Exploding
gallium and bromine
gallium and bromine needed the event called?
Needed the event called Supernova
gallium and bromine
SUPERNOVA is also know as
Exploding Star
And then other elements like and
uranium, which are the most neutron-rich
needed a process called?
This element needs Rapid Neutron Capture
This is where an atomic nucleus is
exposed to neutrons it bulges to an unstable size, yet the element doesn’t split due to the
the speed that this reaction takes place.
Rapid Neutron Capture
Explain Rapid Neutron Capture
This is where an atomic nucleus is
exposed to neutrons it bulges to an unstable size
Scientists have long believed that ___________ , the super-dense fragments of burned-
out stars, are needed to make this rapid
neutron capture happen.
neutron stars
Is a type
of nuclear reaction that
targets a nucleus then it
absorbs a neutron
(uncharged particle), which
then emits a huge amount of
electromagnetic energy
(gamma-ray photon).
Neutron capture
Neutron capture emits a huge amount of what?
gamma-ray photon or electromagnetic energy
The target nucleus and the product
nucleus produce _______or forms of
the same element.
Thus ________
on undergoing neutron capture, turns
into __________.
phosphorus-31, phosphorus-32
The heavier isotope that results may be
__________, so that neutron capture,
which occurs with almost any nucleus,
is a common way of producing
radioactive isotopes.
The heavier isotope that results may be
RADIOACTIVE, so that neutron capture,
which occurs with almost any nucleus,
is a common way of producing ________.
Radioactive isotopes
The process by which
elements are created
within stars by combining
the protons and neutrons
from the nuclei of lighter
elements is known as
Stellar Nucleosynthesis.
The process by which
elements are created
within stars by combining
the ______________
from the nuclei of lighter
elements is known as
Stellar Nucleosynthesis.
protons and neutrons
Make up all the
atoms in the universe.
Hydrogen atoms
inside the stars’ core as it
converts hydrogen into helium,
heat, and radiation.
The Fusion Reaction
Are made in
different types of stars as they
die or explode.
Heavier elements
Occurs In the debris ejected from a neutron star merger.
The whole process takes about I second.
Rapid neutron capture process
Rapid neutron capture process takes how long?
1 seconds
Occurs in very old stars over minions of years. Elements
are released into the universe at the end of the star’s life.
Slow neutron capture process (s*process)
When are elements released during the S process?
At the end of the star’s life.
As this __________ started
to form in the early universe, there were
some areas where it was heavier than in
hydrogen and helium
Is the creation of new atomic nuclei, the centers of atoms that are made up of protons and neutrons.
What made stars?
Happened to be at the right
place and these atoms were pulled together
into huge clouds of gas in the emptiness of
As these clouds started to become
large enough, they were attracted together
by the force of gravity to cause the atomic
nuclei to combine in a process called ____________
The outcome of this fusion process is that
the two one-proton atoms which have now
formed a single two-proton atom. Simply,
the two hydrogen atoms have turned into
one single helium atom.
The energy
released during this reaction is what makes
the sun (or any other star) to burn
immediately and even helium (with nuclei
containing 2 protons) formed shortly
thereafter a process called the?
Big Bang
As the star cools, protons and neutrons can fuse to form heavier
atomic nuclei
Nucleosynthesis occured after how many minutes, after the big bang?
3 Minutes
Once amount Of ____________ has formed the heavier elements form Very fast
All ____________ reactions involve strong nuclear forces. large Cross sections and high reaction rates
Reactions proceed quickly to Helium
_________________ create heavy elements.
Stellar nucleosynthesis and nuclear fusion
The combustion of helium to create denser elements then continues for about ___________
1 million years.
Is a set of nuclear fusion reactions by which three helium-4 nuclei are transformed into carbon.
triple-alpha process
This process fuses helium with carbon to make
denser elements, but only those with an even number of protons. The
combinations go in this order:
alpha process
was an English physicist who
showed that the atomic number which is the number of
protons in an atom, determines most of the properties of an
Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys Moseley
Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys Moseley was an English physicist who
showed that the _______________ which is the number of
protons in an atom,
atomic number
He utilized ______________ to identify the atomic number
of an element. He used a beam of electrons to various
elements and measured their X-ray spectral lines.
X-ray spectroscopy
His results clearly showed that the frequency of the X-rays
given off by an element was mathematically related to the
position of that element in the _______________
Periodic table.
His results clearly showed that the frequency of the X-rays
given off by an element was mathematically related to the
position of that element in the _______________
Periodic table.
These spaces matched to the
atomic numbers 43, 61, 85, and 87. These elements were
later created in the laboratory through ________
In __________ performed a nuclear transmutation
process involving the transmutation of one element or isotope into a
different element.
1919, Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford bombarded _________
directed to the _________.
alpha particles from radium, nitrogen nuclei.
He showed that the _________
reacted to the alpha particles to form _____.
nitrogen nuclei, oxygen nuclei
So, instead of
using fastmoving alpha particles in synthesizing new elements,
atomic nuclei are often bombarded with neutrons (neutral particles)
using _________________
particle accelerators.
is an instrument that is used to speed up
the flow of protons to overpower the
repulsion between the protons and
the target atomic nuclei using
magnetic and electrical fields.
particle accelerator
It is
used to synthesize new elements.
particle accelerator
________________ discovered an element with
atomic number 85.
Dale Corson, K. Mackenzie, and
Emilio Segre
They bombarded atoms of
____________ (Z=83) with fast-moving alpha
particles in a cyclotron.
Is a particle accelerator that utilizes alternating
electric fields to speed up particles that move
in a circular path in the presence of a magnetic
Was named astatine from the
Greek word “___________” which means _______.
Element-85, astatos, unstable
At the end of 1940__________was created by
Seaborg, McMillan, Kennedy, and Wahl.
, element-94
At the end of 1940, element-94 was created by
Seaborg, McMillan, Kennedy, and Wahl.
They exposed uranium with _______ (particles composed of a proton
and a neutron) in a cyclotron.
Element-94 was named
Elements with atomic numbers greater than
92 (atomic number of uranium) are called _________
trans uranium
therefore, neptunium and plutonium are _________
uranium elements.
What are the molecular geometry shapes?
Trigonal Planar