ORGMA SKUMA 4-26-2023 Flashcards
It s the process of bringing together
physical, financial, and human
resources and developing a productive
relationship across them for
achievement of your goals.
It is collection of people working together under a division of labor and a hierarchy of authority to achieve a common goal.
It involves assigning different tasks to different people in the organization’s different work units.
Division of Labor
When factors of production perform task that they can do more efficiently than others.
It is the systematic arrangement of human resources in an organization so as to achieve common business objectives.
Organizational Structure
Benefits of Organizational Structure
Enhances efficiency and productivity
Swift decision-making possible
Empowers employees
Reduces conflict within an organization
Better communication among members
Types of Organization Structure
Hierarchal Structure
Horizontal/Flat Structure
Functional Structure
Divisional Structure
Matrix Structure
The pyramid-shaped organizational chart.
Hierarchal Organizational Structure
It’s the most common type of organizational structure.
Hierarchal Organizational Structure
The chain of command goes from the top (e.g., the CEO or manager) down (e.g., entry-level and low-level employees), and each employee has a supervisor.
Hierarchal Organizational Structure
This is an organizational chart type mostly adopted by small companies and start-ups in their early stage.
Horizontal/ Flat Organizational Structure
It refers to the departmentalization of an organization into smaller work units as tasks become increasingly varied and numerous.
Horizontal/ Flat Organizational Structure
It creates a fixed set of departments based on certain functions like HR, finance, marketing, production, etc.
Functional Organizational Structure
Allows employees to work for a particular functional role without worrying about the other departments.
Functional Organizational Structure
have their own division which corresponds to either products or geographies.
Divisional Organizational Structure
The main advantage of _________________ is the independent operational flow, that failure of one company does not threaten the existence of the others.
Divisional Organizational Structure
is a combination of two structures namely, divisional and functional.
Matrix Organizational Structure
There are two chains of command, where project team members have two bosses or managers, a functional manager and a project manager.
Matrix Organizational Structure
It is typically used in large multinational companies.
Matrix Organizational Structure
Two Classifications of Theories
pertains to the usual old fashioned ways.
refers to contemporary or new design theories.
It has few departments, wide span of control or a big number of subordinates directly reporting to a manager
Simple Theory
it has a centralized authority figure and has very little formalization of work.
Simple Theory
This design groups together similar or related specialties
Functional Theory
Generally, functional departmentalization is utilized and put into practice in an entire organization.
Functional Theory
This design is made up of separate business divisions or units, where
the parent corporation acts as overseer to coordinate and control the
different divisions and provide financial and legal support services
Divisional Theory
In team design, the entire organization is made up of work groups or teams.
Team Design
Its advantages include empowerment of team members and reduced
barriers among functional areas.
Team Design
It refers to an organization design where specialist from different departments work on projects that are supervised by a project manager.
Matrix Project Design
This design is not defined or limited by vertical, horizontal, and external boundaries.
Boundary-Less Design
The idea behind this format is to retain only the value-generating and strategic functions in-house, while the rest of the operations are outsourced to many suppliers.
Boundary-Less Design
is a structured group of people that has a defines set of rules, and responsibilities for achieving specific goals or objectives.
Formal Organizations
It consists of informal groups born out of the need of social affiliation.
Informal Organizations