u4 aos2 dp6 Flashcards
psychological risk factors
- poor self efficacy (predisposing)
- stress (precipitating)
- rumination (perpetuating)
- impaired reasoning and memory (perpetuating)
poor self efficacy
individuals belief in their capacity to execute behaviour necessarily to succeed in a specific situation
- more vulnerable
- increased susceptibility
- impairment to overcome challenges
- magnify severity
though control efficacy
development and progression
- stress vulnerability model (stress and schizophrenia)
repeatedly thinking about/ dwelling on undesired thoughts and feelings
- impedes problem solving
- recall negative thoughts
- interpret negative
- pessimistic
- can evolve to depression
impaired memory and reasoning
impaired reasoning
- making judgements related to the likelihood of something happening or being true
- contribute to delutions
impaired memories
- schizophrenia show significant impairments of STM and LTM (explicit and implicit), greatest of episodic