u3 aos2 dp10 Flashcards
brain trauma
any brain injury acquired after birth that impairs normal functioning of the brain
neurodegenerative disease
disorder characterised by the progressive decline in structure, activity, and function of the brain tissue
memory loss that is consistent with ordinary forgetting
- retrograde amnesia
- anterograde amnesia
retrograde amnesia
- memory loss preceding brain trauma
- cannot access existing LTM but can form new
- more distant memories are recalled first
anterograde amnesia
- memory loss following brain trauma
- cannot encode or store new LTM (explicit) but can access old ones
- STM tends to remain intact
- new info is processed but is then forgotten
- no problem forming implicit memories
- (evidence that they are independant)
brain surgery (hippocampus)
- consolidation of explicit memories
- STM still functional
- evidence that STM and LTM are independent and that the hippocampus is not involved in STM
- not involve procedural memories
right/ left hippocampus
- difficulty with spacial memory and learning
- difficulty with verbal memory and learning
brain surgery (amygdala)
- no ST procedural or semantic loss
- effects ST episodic and classically conditioned fear response
brain surgery (cerebral cortex)
frontal lobe
- left- recall verbal material and encode episodic memories
- right - retrieving episodic memories
prefrontal cortex
- sequence
- attention
- retrieval
temporal lobe
- explicit memory consolidation and retrieval
- spacial awareness
parietal lobe
- attention
- right - spacial
brain surgery (cerebellum)
- simple classically conditioned motor responses
- spacial
alzheimer’s disease
- dementia
- degenerative disease
- progressive and persistent
Alzheimer’s and brain
- brain tissue shrinks
- prefrontal cortex and hippocampus
- amyloid plaques
- neurofibrillary tangles
amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles
amyloid plaques - inhibit between neuron communication
- build up of protein beta amyloid (outside and around cell)
neurogibillary tangles - inhibit within neuron transmission
- build up of protein tau (within cell)
plaques and tangles are a build up of the naturally occurring proteins to form insoluble fragments.
specific memory loss of Alzheimers
- then LTM
- explicit memories
- implicit memories remain intact (some decline)
- both anterograde and retrograde