Toxins Flashcards
What is the active toxic component of blue green algae toxicity?
what is the active toxic component of cycad toxicity
What category of hepatotoxin is trematoxin (poison peach)?
What is the active toxic component of jasmine (non-diurnum Cestrum)?
What are some examples of plants with excessive amounts of PA’s?
Crotalaria, Trichodesma, Senecio
What mineral toxin causes both hepatic and renal toxicity?
What is a good differential for blue green algae toxicity?
Histo features of acetaminophen toxicity? Clin path findings?
sinusoidal lining cell necrosis and centrilobular to submassive hepatic necrosis; ALT, AST elevations. Acute, nonregenerative anemia with Heinz body formation and eccentrocytes, severe methemoglobinemia.
What common anti-neoplastic causes cardiotoxicity in animals and humans?
The neurotoxic components of blue green algae include?
anatoxin, saxitoxin
Neurotoxic component of chocolate
All of the following are excitatory neurotoxins except: A. Strychnine B. Pyrethrin C. Lead D. Ivermectin
D. Ivermectin. Along with ethylene, ivermectin is one of the few CNS depressant neurotoxins of animals. Bromethalin can have both excitatory and depressant presentations.
The neurotoxic cause of leukoencephalomalacia in horses is?
Fumonisin B1 produced by Fusarium spp.
The toxic component of locoweed (Astragalus spp.) is?
This plant causes nigropalladial malacia in horses?
Yellow star thistle (Centaurea solsitialis); toxic agent is repin
What is the pathogenesis of Cestrum diurnum toxicity
vitamin D analog
What is the active toxic component of red maple leaf in horses?
What are 3 toxic differentials for tubular necrosis in a dog?
ethylene glycol, NSAIDS, grapes/raisins
What is a toxic differential for renal tubular necrosis in chickens?
What are two toxic differentials for renal tubular necrosis in pigs?
pigweed (Amaranthus sp.) and ochratoxin
What is a toxic differential for renal tubular necrosis in chickens?