Parasites Flashcards
Features of aphasmid nematodes are:
- Hypodermal bacillary bands
- Unapparent musculature
- Esophagus (small) with stichosome (large purple cell in the center seen in some cross sections).
- Single uterus (most nematodes have two)
Examples of aphasmid nematodes are:
Capillaria contorta/annulata in birds (crop/esophagus). Capillaria xenopodis in frogs. Capillaria aerophilus (now it is Eucoleus aerophilus) in canids and cats. Capillaria hepatica in RODENTS AND SOUTHERN SEA OTTERS. Trichosomoides crassicauda (Bladder threadworm) IN RATS. Trichinella spiralis in pigs and bears.
Features are: phasmid nematode profiles with a prominent stichosome and hypodermal bands
Rhabditiform nematodes have these histologic features:
Larvae have esophagus with corpus, isthmus, and bulb (“rhabditiform”), double lateral alae, and a notched tail. Adult females have smooth cuticle, meromyarian-platymyarian musculature, low cuboidal uninucleate intestinal cells, anterior cylindrical esophagus, retroflexed ovaries, and paired amphidelphic (folded on themselves) uteri.
Examples of rhabditiform nematodes are:
Halicephalobus gingivalis in equids. Strongyloides sp in multiple species.
Filarid nematodes have these histologic features:
Coelomyarian musculature, very small intestine (important diagnostic feature of filarids); small lateral chords and may have small internal cuticular ridge at the lateral chords. Microfilariae (all filarid species): Cuticle, appear to lack musculature, and are filled with myriad 1x2um basophilic nuclei (“bag of nuclei”)
Examples of important filarid nematodes are:
Edesonfilaria malayensis and Dirofilaria spp. in old world monkeys. Dipetalonema and Mansonella (Tetrapetalonema) sp. in new world monkeys. D. immitis in canids/felids. Onchocerca cervicalis in horses. O. gibsoni in cattle. O.. lupi in dogs.
Trichostrongylid nematodes have these features:
platymyarian musculature, longitudinal cuticular ridges, large intestinal tracts lined by few multinucleate cells.

Examples of important trichostrongylids are:
Ollulanus tricuspis in cat (including non-domestic felids). Ostertagia ostertagi in cattle. Ostertagia circumcincta in sheep and goats. Nochtia nochti in NHP’s. Trichostrongylus axei in horses.
Skrjabingylus nasicola is found in the nasal sinuses of what types of animals? What is the lesion it causes?
mustelids and skunks; it’s a nematode. Causes sinusitis with necrotizing osteomyslitis leading to perforation of the sinus bones of the skull

Organisms that produce spherules:
Rhinosporidium seeberi, Coccidioides immitis, Chrysosporium parva/crescens, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Prototheca, Chlorella
Schistosomes are digenetic _________.
Examples of schistosomes in animals are:
Heterobilharzia americana. Schistosoma mansoni in NHP’s. Schistosoma japonicum: NHP’s, dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, and domestic farm animals (cattle and sheep) Schistosoma bovis: Ruminants (portal/mesenteric veins) and occasionally horse, camel, pig.
Clin path findings in animals with schistosomiasis:
Anemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypercalcemia (~50% of cases), +/- diarrhea
Parasites associated with neoplasia:
(mnemonic SOCS-T)
Spirocerca lupi: Esophageal sarcomas in dogs
Opisthorchis , Clonorchis (Opisthorchis) sinensis (liver flukes): Cholangiocarcinoma in cats, NHPs, humans
Cysticercus fasciolaris (Taenia taeniaeformis): Hepatic sarcoma in rats
Schistosoma haematobium: Urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma in humans
Trichosomoides crassicauda: Papillomas of the urothelium in rats
What is the lung mite of macaques?
Pneumonyssus simicola
2 tapeworms found commonly in catts?
Taenia taeniaformis and Dipylidium caninum