Canine Flashcards
Morph and cause. Tissue from a dog.
Intercostal subpleural mineralization. Metastatic mineralization from uremia (CRF). Ca x P = > 70, mineralization thorughout the body. Basement membranes, Bowman’s capsule, gastric mucosa, alveolar septa. Pulmonary edema as sequalae,
Tissue from a dog. Name the condition.
Tissue from a dog. Morph.
Malignant melanoma.
Tissue from a dog. Morph and cause.
Ulcerative glossitis, bilateral, severe. Uremia.
Tissue from a dog. Morph, pre-existing condition and causative clin path abnormality.
Atheroscleosis, diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism, decreased activation of lipoprotein lipase that leads to hypertriglyceridemia. Hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, hyptriglyceridemia, low T4.
Tissue from a dog. Morph.
Pituitary cyst, cyst of the craniopharyngeal duct. Clinically normaly usual. Alternative, Rathe’s pouch cysts can lead to pars distalis developmental abnormality. Leads to no development of thyroid glands and adrenal glands. Autosomal recessive change leading to dwarfism in German Shepherd dogs
Tissue from a dog. Morph. 2 other common associated lesions.
Right atrial hemangiosarcomas, multifocal. Also lung and spleen HSA.
Tissue from a dog. Morph.
Cutaneous epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma! Has a donut shape on gross.
Tissue from a dog. Morph.
Anterior uveal melanocytoma.
Tissue from a dog. Morph. Breed of dog. Possible cause.
Lyssencephaly. Lhasa apso and Maltese are over-represented. Cause is a genetic defect in structural proteins that move neurons from neural crest to final resting place (double cortin, LIS-1).
Tissue from a dog. Morph.
Focally extensive metaphyseal suppurative osteomyelitis with infraction. Associated with metaphyseal osteopathy (formerly hypertrophic osteodystrophy). Unknown cause. Associated with viral infection, leukocyte adhesion deficiencies). SUBPHYSEAL.
Name the condition and give the pathogenesis.
Hypertrophic osteopathy. Mass in thorax –> irritation to vagal nerve –> hypertension at level of the periosteum –> triggers periosteal new bone growth.
Tissue from a dog. Cause?
Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) toxicity. Tubular necrosis. Only happens if animal survives acute toxicity leading to acidosis. Calcium oxalate crystals.
The giant kidney worm of dogs is:
Dioctophema renale.
Tissue from a dog. Morph and etiology?
Granulomatous tracheitis. Oslerus osleri, metastrongyle nematode. Can occasionally cause occlusion of bronchi from granulomas. If in the bronchioles, consider Crenosoma vulpis, another metastrongylid nematode in canids.