Clinical Pathology Flashcards
What does the blood smear represent?
B. Drying artifact
C. Hemangiosarcoma
D. Immune mediated hemolytic anemia

B. These are echinocytes that form from drying. The spikes are all evenly spaced as opposed to acanthocytes (i.e. spur cells) which are found in DIC and HSA. You would also find schistocytes in HSA and DIC. IMHA causes spherocytes to form which lack central pallor,
Thiamine deficiency has a clinical pathology correlate of:
elevated pyruvate levels in the blood
Tissue from a bird. Etiology?

Plasmodium. Causes malaria. Found in erythrocytes. Displaces the nucleus. Hemazoin pigment (shown here).

Tissue from a bird. Etiology?

Hemoproteus spp = HUGS THE NUCLEUS. COMPARE TO PLASMODIUM. Also has hemazoin pigment like plasmodium. Also in erythrocytes.
Tissue from a bird. Etiology? Clin path abnormality?

Leukocytozoon. Severely displaces the nucleus. Erythrocytes or leukocytes. No pigment. Vectors are culicoid midges and simuliid flies (black flies). Megaloschizonts can cause tissue damage (see cardiac photomic) and pathogenic Leucocytozoon sp. produce an anti-erythrocytic factor that causes intravascular hemolysis and anemia.