Toxin review Flashcards
Exotoxins that are pore-forming
Alpha toxin from staph aureus
-lysin toxins
Cholera toxin
AB5 toxin
activates Gs which leads to increase in cAMP
ADP-ribosylation of GTPase
Pertussis toxin
AB5 toxin
targets Gi
Gi becomes locked (GDP-bound) which results in increased levels of cAMP
Which toxins are AB5 toxins?
Can Pat Shack Sam?
Which toxins are AB toxins?
Danny Easily Bothers Tammy
exotoxin A
botolium toxin
tetani toxin
Heat labile toxin
increase cAMP
Heat stable toxin
increase cGMP
Shiga toxin
leads to HUS
increases 38s rRNA
Diptheria toxin
AB toxin
ADP ribosylation of EF-2
shiga-like toxin
produced by EHEC
AB5 toxin
inactivates 28s rRNA
Which 2 toxins inactivate 28S rRNA?
shiga toexin
shiga-like toxin
exotoxin A
produced by P. aeruginosa
ADP ribosylation of EF-2
botulinum toxin
AB toxin
targets SNARE proteins to block acetylcholine release
leads to flaccid paralysis
tetanus toxin
AB toxin
binds to inhibitory transmitters (GABA and glycine)
results in spasm
C. diff transferase toxin
ADP-ribosylation of G-actin
C. diff toxin B
glycosylation of GTP-binding proteins
targets CSPG4 and FZD
C. diff toxin A
glycosylation of GTP-binding proteins
C Diff Transferase Toxin (CDT)
ADP-ribosylation of G-Actin prevents its polymerization
results in cytoskeletal defects and cell death