Principles of Gas Exchange Flashcards
Process of delivering oxygen from the alveoli to the tissues
Delivers oxygen rich air to the alveoli
What is the RLS for oxygenation?
rate of diffusion across the alveolar membrane
What is the RLS for ventilation ?
air movement
lung mechanics matter more than diffusion
oxygen carrying capacity
how much oxygen is carried
Hb carries >100x more oxygen than is dissolved in the blood
What affects oxygen carrying capacity?
if pressure is higher, hemoglobin will be more saturated
Oxygen delivery
dependent on cardiac output
normally drop off 25% of O2 in normal capillaries
What is oxygenation dependent upon?
diffusion of oxygen across alveolus
hemoglobin to supply oxygen carrying capacity
cardiac output to deliver oxygen to tissues
Leftward shift on O2 dissociation curve
increased affinity for oxygen
Rightward shift on O2 dissociation curve
decreased affinity for oxygen
What is normal PaO2 in the capillaries?
40 mg
What is normal O2 sat in the capillaries?
What drives oxygenation diffusion from alveolus to capillaries?
driven by gradient between PA (atmosphere?) and Pa (alveolus)
PAO2 = 100 mg
PaO2 = 40 mg
Why does CO2 gradient not change much?
due to association with pH, which is tightly regulated
How can you impair O2 diffusion?
decrease PAO2 (less gradient)
increased interstitial fluid in alveolus
How can you tell there is a problem with ventilation?
labored breathing
Why do we start to give oxygen at 90% O2 sat
you are at a PaO2 of 60 which means you already lost 40% of carrying capacity
you’re also close to the “steep” part of the curve
limitations of pulse ox
multiple variables define O2 carrying capacity
not reliable with decreased perfusion
pulse oximetry
measures O2 sat by using light absorbance
oxygenated Hb absorbs light at 940 mm
deoxygenated Hb absorbs light at 660 mm