Topic 59 - African horse sickness, equine encephalosis Flashcards
Definition of African horse sickness:
A vector transmitted disease of equines with acute, febrile signs. Causes endothelial damages, oedemas, haemorrhages, pulmonary and cardiac disease and have a high mortality
Occurence of African horse sickness:
Africa mainly, but found also in spain, portugal, turkey
Causative agent of African horse sickness:
Orbivirus genus, reovirus family
How many serotypes is there of African horse sickness?
at least 9, the virulence differs
Susceptible species of African horse sickness:
Is African horse sickness notifiable?
The host of African horse sickness
Which of the susceptible species are resistant to African horse sickness?
They get infected, but we rarely see clinical signs - But they can still carry the infection
How long will the viraemia last in African horse sickness in horses?
4-8 days, but even as long as 18 days
How long will the viraemia last in African horse sickness in zebras?
28 days
How is African horse sickness shed in horses?
- Semen
- Urine
- Discharges
How can a carnivore be infected with African horse sickness?
By consumption of infected horse meat, blood or organs
Pathogenesis of African horse sickness:
Infection by a vector. We have a primary virus replication, then we have viraemia which will cause lymphatic and blood vessel endothel damage. Due to endothel damage we see oedema and haemoerrhages
Site of primary replication in African horse sickness:
Lymphatic tissue
Mortality rate in horses if infected with African horse sickness
70-96% (up to 100%)
Mortality rate in mules if infected with African horse sickness
Mortality rate in donkeys if infected with African horse sickness
Mortality rate in zebras if infected with African horse sickness
Most of them survive, close to 0%
Incubation time of African horse sickness:
5-7, but can 2-14 days
Clinical signs in peracute form of African horse sickness:
Starts with fever, causing general weakness, sweating and red conjunciva
Then we have dyspnoea, coughing
Very characteristic clinical sign in peracute form of African horse sickness:
Foamy nasal discharge
Peracute phase of African horse sickness, death within how long?
within 24 hours. They suffocate
Another name of peracute form of African horse sickness:
Pulmonary form
Clinical signs of acute form of African horse sickness:
Similar to peracute form, only longer