Topic 46 - West nile fever, disease caused by Usutu virus and other mosquito-borne flaviviral diseases Flashcards
Definition of West Nile fever:
A mosquito-transmitted, zoonotic disease with fever, general signs and sometimes meningo-encephalomyelitis and death for both animals and humans
Occurence of West Nile fever:
Where was the first isolation of West Nile fever ever found?
In Uganda, hence the name
First occurence of West Nile fever in Europe, when and where?
France, Russia, Spain and Romania
First occurence of West Nile fever in USA:
Maintaining host of West Nile fever:
Wild birds: goose, crow, pigeon
All birds are susceptible, but not all are maintaining hosts
Is there a cross-reaction between flavviviruses, and why?
Yes there is. They are all closely related, both genetically and antigenetically
West Nile fever is part of a serocomplex, what is it called and why is West Nile fever in it?
Japanese encephaitis serocomplex
In this complex we find several viruses that are antigenetically related, including West Nile fever
How many genetic lineages have West Nile fever?
But only two are pathogenic: Lineage 1 + 2 strains
Occurrence of lineage 1 strain of West Nile fever:
Occurrence of lineage 2 of West Nile fever:
Europe and Africa, all cases of Hungary since 2004
Host cycle of West Nile fever:
Wild birds - Mosquitos - Human and horses
If a bird becomes infected late/end of mosquito season, why could this be of importance of West Nile fever?
The viramia last for 20-100 days = 3 months prox
So if a bird is infected at the end of the season, they bird is infected for the whole winter and the bird is then the source of infection for the mosquitos the next season
Vector of West Nile fever:
Detected in more than 60 species
Principle vector of West Nile fever:
Culex pipiens
They are a breach vector, biological vector and transovarial transmission
What is a breach vector?
A vector feeding on two hosts, in West Nile fever case: Bird and mammals. They transport the virus for from birds to humans or mammals
Dead-end host of West Nile fever:
Pathogenesis of West Nile fever:
Infection –> multiplication –> Viraemia –> targets the brain –> inflammation of the brain
after infection we have a primary replication causing rash and skin lesions, then we have viraemia and the brain is targeted. The virus tarhets the neuron cells and replicates there and we see inflammation of the brain
Primary replication site of West Nile fever:
Endothel cells
In case of inflammation of the brain of West Nile fever, what can we see?
- Serous-lymphoid cell infiltration
- Neuron cell degeneration
- Inflammation of the peripheric nerves
How long after infection of West Nile fever does antibodies occur?
7-11 days
Is there a persisting infection of West Nile fever?
In mammals: rarely
In birds: frequent
susceptibility of West Nile fever:
Dog and Cat
Wild birds
Clinical signs in horses infected with West Nile fever:
Mostly subclinical!!
If we see: mild clinical signs
1. anorexia
2. fever
3. depression
Are most characteristic
In less than 1% we see CNS signs
How many of the West Nile fever infected horses have a subclinical infection?
CNS signs in West Nile fever:
- skin oversensitivity
- weakness of the hindlims (strange movement, strange walk)
- Teeth grinding
- convulsions
- Partial parlysis
Lethality rate of West Nile fever:
If CNS problems are seen = 100%
Clinical signs in sheep infected with West Nile fever
1.Teeth grinding
2. Ataxia
3. Movement problems
All CNS problems
Clinical signs in dogs and cats infected with West Nile fever
they have asymptomatic seroconversion
We rarely see fever and CNS signs
Age susceptibility of geese infected with West Nile fever:
3-12 weeks of age
Clinical signs in geese infected with West Nile fever:
- Abnormal head position
- Wing parslysis
- Ruffled feathers
- Ataxia
Lethality in geese infected with West Nile fever:
14-40 %
Susceptible wild birds of West Nile fever:
Birds of prey