Topic 3- Mammalian Circulation Flashcards
What do cells of all living organisms need a constant supply of?
reactants for metabolism, e.g. oxygen and glucose
How do single celled organisms can gain oxygen and glucose directly from their surroundings?
-Simple diffusion (short diffusion distances)
Larger organisms, however, are made up of many layers of cells, meaning that the time taken for substances such as glucose and oxygen to diffuse to every cell in the body would be far too long-
(The diffusion distances involved are too great) how is this resolved?
exchange surfaces are connected to a mass transport system, for example:
-The digestive system is connected to the circulatory system
-The lungs are connected to the circulatory system
What is mass transport?
the bulk movement of gases or liquids in one direction, usually via a system of vessels and tubes
How does a closed circulatory system operate?
blood is pumped around the body and is always contained within a network of blood vessels
Who have closed circulatery systems?
All vertebrates and many invertebrates
How does an open circulatery stsem operate?
blood is not contained within blood vessels but is pumped directly into body cavities
Wich type of circulatery system do humans have?
a closed double circulatory system
What is the pulmonary circulatory system?
The right side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange
What is the systemic nervous system?
Blood then returns to the left side of the heart, so that oxygenated blood can be pumped efficiently (at high pressure) around the bod
Name the main blood vessels?
-Pulmenary artery
-Pulmenary vein
-Coronery arteries
-Vena cava
-Renal artery
-Renal vien
What is the function of the pulmonary artrery?
carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart, towards the lungs
What is the function of the pulmonary vein?
carries oxygenated blood away from the lungs, towards the heart
What is the function of the coronery aerteries?
supply the heart with oxygenated blood
What is the function of the aorta?
carries oxygenated blood out of the heart and to the rest of the body