Tocar + infinitive for "it is time for someone to do something" Flashcards
In colloquial Spanish we use this verbal structure:
The verb tocar (conjugated in the 3rd person singular) + infinitivo
with different meanings and nuances.
- Something must be done/Someone must do something
2. It is somebody’s turn to do something
The children need new school shoes so we have to / must save.
Los niños necesitan zapatos nuevos para el colegio así que toca ahorrar.
Sara, it is your turn to throw the dice.
Sara, te toca tirar el dado.
-Whose turn is it to take the rubbish out today? -Javier’s.
-¿A quién le toca sacar la basura hoy? -A Javier.
They had to tidy up everything and mop the floor.
“Les tocó recoger todo y fregar el suelo.”
When I am old you will have to put up with my nonsense.
Cuando yo sea vieja, te tocará aguantar mis impertinencias.
Elisa had had to do a double shift at the hospital.
A Elisa le había tocado hacer turno doble en el hospital.
If you start work tomorrow, you’ll have to file the dossiers first thing.
Si empiezas el trabajo mañana, te tocaría archivar los expedientes a primera hora.
To win the lottery
Tocar la lotería a alguien
To hit rock bottom
Tocar fondo
To knock on the door
Tocar a la puerta
To be somebody’s turn
Tocar a alguien
To play [music] live
Tocar en vivo y en directo
To honk the horn
Tocar la bocina
To talk about a topic
Tocar un tema
To get on somebody’s nerves
Tocar las pelotas a alguien
To annoy someone
Tocar las narices a alguien