Aprovechar vs Aprovecharse (pronominal verbs) Flashcards
Aprovechar =
to make the most of something/make good use of something
Susana made good use of some free time at work to call her boyfriend.
Susana aprovechó un rato libre que tenía en el trabajo para llamar a su novio.
The lovebirds took advantage of the moment to announce their wedding.
Los enamorados aprovecharon la ocasión para anunciar su boda.
I am going to make good use of this piece of material to make a skirt.
Voy a aprovechar este trozo de tela para hacerme una falda.
we use “aprovechar” with no reflexive pronoun.
It is a transitive verb and as such you find a direct object right after it (e.g., un rato libre, este trozo de tela, la ocasión). Note that despite the presence of the preposition “of” in English, we do not use any preposition in Spanish in this context.
Sometimes we can use “aprovechar” with the same meaning as above but with no direct object. The words “la ocasión”, “el momento” are implicit. For example:
Sometimes we can use “aprovechar” with the same meaning as above but with no direct object. The words “la ocasión”, “el momento” are implicit.
As the Spanish class was cancelled, the students took advantage of it and went to have a beer all together.
Al cancelarse la clase de español, los estudiantes aprovecharon para irse a tomar una cerveza juntos.
Using “aprovechar” this way tends to have a positive or neutral nuance.
A direct object after “aprovechar”
could also be expressed with a clause
He took advantage of his parents being away and organised a party at home.
Aprovechó que sus padres estaban de viaje y organizó una fiesta en su casa.
to take advantage of someone/to use someone
Aprovecharse de =
Miguel used her and then he left her for another.
Miguel se ha aprovechado de ella y luego la ha dejado por otra.
Laura is always taking advantage of her parents. She won’t stop asking them for money.
Laura siempre se está aprovechando de sus padres. No deja de pedirles dinero.
Don’t take advantage of me. I am not an idiot.
No te aproveches de mí. Yo no soy idiota.
Note that “aprovecharse de alguien” can also imply
can also imply taking advantage of someone sexually.
Carmen reported him to the police because he took advantage of her [sexually].
Carmen lo denunció a la policía porque él se aprovechó de ella.
that if it is used with pronouns (of me, of you, of her…) you need:
mí, ti, él, ella, usted, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/as, ustedes.