hearing is the second most important sensory input too_____?
the outer ear is separated from the middle by what strucutre?
tympanic membrane
what are the three smallest bones in the body of the middle ear?
the middle ear amplifies sound by how much? why is amplification necessary?
b/c fluid of inner ear will dampen sound waves
where is the Eustachian tube found in the ear? what does it do? this is also the cause of what type of ache?
middle ear
allows air pressure to equilibrium b/w Patm and middle ear
ear ache due to inability to equilibrate pressure
what are the two main structures of the inner ear?
bony labyrinth
membraneous labyrinth
what structures comprise bony labyrinth?
semicircular canals
name this portion of the bony labyrinth?
responsible for equilibrium
present in X,Y,Z axis
semicircular canals
name this portion of the bony labyrinth?
responsible for hearing
name this portion of the bony labyrinth?
area b/w the cochlea and semicircular canals
the vestibule of the bony labyrinth contains what?
fenestra vestibule (oval window, hearing)
fenestra cochlea (round window)
what separates the membranous labyrinth from the bony labyrinth? what about in the membranous labyrinth?
where is the cochlear duct found? what supports this and the nerve traveling through this?
bony labyrinth of the cochlea
modiolus carrying the cochlear nerve and joins with the vestibular nerve outside the duct
describe the cochlear canal?
what are the three parts?
structure of the inner ear found in the membranous labyrinth that is divided into 3 parts by 2 membranes
scala vestibuli -vestibular membrane -filled with perilymph cochlear duct -basilar membrane -filled with endolymph scala tympani -filled with perilymph
what are the two parts of the cochlear duct?
what is the significance of the organ of corti?
organ of cortisones
-tectorial membrane
-outer hair cells
*translates vibration into hearing and attached to cochlear nerve dendrites
how does the scala tympani attach to the cochlear canal wall?
spiral ligament
when do we start hearing?
when the transmission gets to the superior temporal gyrus
this structure allows us to orient head wyes toward sound reflexively
sup. tectospinal tract
what are the two components of the vestibular equilibrium?
which one senses acceleration/decel and which one senses position in space relative to gravity
kinetic labyrinth
static labyrinth
this is the part of the crista ampularis that contains no otoliths and no microvilli and the fluid in the canal past the cupula stimulates or inhibits hair cells depending on direction of acceleration
the utricle and saccule are part of which labyrinth? what are the contents?
utricle-macula utriculi
-sensory organ
saccule-macula sacculi
-determines different place of position
what is the effect of both the kinetic and static labyrinth?
position in space
appropriate head movement (orientation and balance)