posterior horn has how many lamina?
anterior horn has how many lamina?
posterior horn
where is lamina I found
posterior marginal nucleus (entire cord)
posterior horn
where is lamina II found
substantia gelatinosa (entire cord)
posterior horn
where is lamina III&IV found
nucleus proprius (entire cord)
posterior horn
where is lamina V found
reticular nucleus
posterior horn
where is lamina VI found
commisural nucleus
posterior horn
where is lamina VII found
thoracic nucleus (nucleus dorsals of clarke (C8-L3))
intermediomedial nucleus (T1-L2), (S2-S4)
anterior horn
where is lamina VII found?
intermediolateral cell column (lateral horn)
anterior horn
where is lamina VIII found?
interneuron pool (medial part of the anterior horn)
anterior horn
where is lamina IX found?
alpha and gamma motoneurons