basic unit of muscular activity (motor response to a particular sensory output)
coordination of voluntary motor activity like muscle synergy
modulation of motor activity like regulate motor pattern output
basal nuclei
origin of volitional motor activity
cerebral (motor) cortex
these tracts mediate voluntary and involuntary movement like truncal muscle groups, postural stability in addition to muscle tone, modulation of spinal segmental reflexes and regulation of visceral functions
descending spinal tracts
what are the motor cell types of the descending spinal tracts?
upper motoneurons located in the brain and brainstem
lower motoneurons located in the brainstem and the anterior horn of the spinal cord
these motoneurons supply extrafusal fibers of the skeletal muscle and directly illicit skeletal muscle contractions
alpha motorneurons
these motoneurons supply the intramural fibers of the neuromuscular spindles
gamma motoneurons
one alpha motoneurons and all skeletal muscle fibers it innervates?
motor unit
what are the four inputs to alpha motoneurons?
Ia afferent fibers from muscle spindles’
Ib afferent fibers from Golgi tendon organs
upper motoneurons
spinal interneurons
this is a glycinergic interneurons excited by collateral processes of an excited alpha motoneurons? They act as an off switch by inhibiting the alpha motoneurons which excited them to immediately fire again and this is called=_____?
renshaw interneurons
recurrent inhibition
name this reflex?
patellar tendon reflex, knee jerk
muscle spindle
stimulus is stretch of muscle
Ia afferent and Aalpha efferent fibers
extrafusal muscle fiber of the muscle which was stretched
monosynaptic (stretch, myotactic reflex)
what is the effect of the myostactic stretch reflexes?
autogenic excitation
-Ia afferents simultaneously excite an interneuron which stimulates an agonist alpha motoneuron
reciprocal inhibition
-at the same time, an interneuron which inhibits the antagonists alpha motoneuron
name this reflex?
stimulus is tension on muscle tendon caused by contraction of muscle
afferent fiber is Ib and efferent fiber is the Aalpha of antagonist
effector is the antagonist of muscle contracting
synapse: inhibitory interneuron to alpha motoneuron of muscle contracting; excitatory interneuron to alpha motoneuron of opposing muscle
golgi tendon (inverse stretch, protective)
these fibers simultaneously excite an interneuron is inhibitory to the alpha motoneuron of the agonist muscle (autogenic inhibition) while exciting the alpha motoneuron of the antagonist muscle (reciprocal excitation)
Ib fibers
name this reflex?
receptors are the free nerve endings for pain
stimulus is pain
afferent fibers are the AIII of C(IV) pain afferents
synapses are multiple, inhibitory interneurons to limb extensors of area being simulated
flexor (withdrawal, flexor crossed-extensor)
name the descending pathway tracts that primarily control the flexor motor system and fine movement?
corticospinal tracts both lateral and anterior
rubrospinal tract
name the descending pathway tracts which regulate antigravity muscle for posture and balance?
reticulospinal tract vestibulospinal tract -lateral -medial others: raphespinal
paralysis or paresis
muscle wasting
what type of motor lesions are these?
lower motor neurons
paralysis hyperreflexive clonus babinski sign absence of abdominal reflex
what type of motor lesions are these?
upper motor neurons