this part of the brain consolidates the information it receives and coordinates motor activity by controlling timing, speed and precision movement?
the cerebellum also helps in the prediction of _____?
the consequence of movement
what are the roles of the cerebellum?
synergy of muscle movement
maintenance of upright posture
balance and equilibrium
maintenance of muscle tone
where does input to the cerebellum come from?
motor cortex visual cortex auditory cortex vestibular system somatosensory cortex spinal cerebellar pathways
what are the lobes of the cerebellum phylogenetically?
archicerebellum- floculonodular lobe
palleocerebellum- anterior lobe
neocerebellum - posterior lobe
what does the cerebellar have relationships with?
sensorimotor cortex, motor and premotor cortex, visual association cortex, spine-olivary tract and red nucleus impacts the ipsilateral olivary complex which impacts the contralateral cerebellum via climbing fibers
this lobe of the cerebellum controls antigravity musculature and receives proprioceptive inputs from the trunks and limbs, concerned with control posture and muscle tone
anterior lobe
this lobe of the cerebellum receives afferent projections from the cerebral cortex via pontine nuclei concerned with the coordination of skilled movement motor planning initiated by the cerebral cortex?
posterior lobe
this lobe of the cerebellum receives information from the vestibular system concerned with spatial orientation, balance and coordination of head and ocular movement?
floculonodular lobe
what are the cellular layers of the cerebellar cortex?
I outer molecular layer
II middle purkinje layer
III inner granular layer
what are the cell types of cerebellar cortex?
purkinje granule mossy basket stellate golgi
this layer of the cerebellar cortex contains stellate and basket cells, the dendritic arborization of purkinje cells and parallel fibers of granular cells
I outer molecular layer
this layer of the cerebellar cortex contains purkinje cell bodies
II middle (purkinje) layer
this layer of the cerebellar cortex contains granular cells and golgi cells which along with the rosettes of mossy fibers from the cerebellar glomeruli?
III inner (granular) layer
name this cell of the cerebellar cortex:
only output cell to deep cerebellar nuclei
excited by granule cell
floculonodular output
vermal output
paravermis output
output of lateral hemispheres
purkinje cell
this is the primary efferent output of the cerebellum?
deep cerebellar nuclei
associated with deep cerebellar nuclei
out to VL nucleus of thalamus then to primary motor and premotor cortex
dentate (lateral lobes)
associated with deep cerebellar nuclei
why is the globose important?
nucleus interpositus (paravermis)
output to red nucleus and VL nucleus then to premotor cortex then to the spinal cord
associated with deep cerebellar nuclei
projects to the vestibular nucleus and vestibulospinal pathway and reticulospinal pathway. Influences posture and activity of proximal limb muscles
fastigial (vermis)
afferent and efferent cerebellar pathways are _____?
excitatory afferents from spinal cord and brainstem
inhibitory cerebellar outputs from cortical purkinje cells go to deep cerebellar nuclei