Thorax and Neck Flashcards
Differentiate typical vs atypical rib
Typical - long, twisted, flat, has costal groove
Atypical - small, flattened, first rib
___ muscle is attached to the first rib (accessory muscle of respiration)
Scaleneus anterior
the first to seventh ribs are attached to the ___ edge of the sternum
the 8th to tenth ribs are attached to the ____
cartilage above it
The sternal angle of louis is at the level of the ___ throracic vertebra
T4 to T5
Also the junction of the ascending and aortic arch,, bifurcation of the trachea,
Name the false ribs
True ribs - 1 to 7
Floating - 11,12
Compression of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery and vein against the first rib and clavicle causes
Thoracic outlet syndrome
This muscle of respiration is lined by endothoracic fascia and pleura
innermost intercostal
Arrangement of blood vessels and nerves in the intercostals (from top to bottom)
vein, artery, nerve
Name the openings of the diaphragm
Esophageal 10
Aorta 12
Name the muscles of inspiration
SCM, scalene, intercostals, diaphragm
The suprasternal space of burns is located ___ cm above the manubrium
2 cm
what enclose the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid?
- Superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
what enclose the submandibular and parotid glands?
- superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
forms the false capsule of the thyroid
pretracheal layer
sheath that encloses the infrahyoid muscles
pretracheal layer
forms the fascial floor of the posterior triangle
prevertebral layer
most superficial deep fascia
investing layer
a deep cervical fascia that is limited to the anterior part of the neck
___ local condensation of the prevertebral, pretracheal and investing layers of the deep cervical fascia
carotid sheath
What are the contents of the carotid sheath
- L: IJV
- P: vagus nerve
a potential space bounded by deep cervical fascia, lies between the vertebral and visceral compartments
retropharyngeal space
What are the boundaries of the retropharyngeal space?
- A: visceral part of the pretracheal fascia
- P: Prevertebral fascia
- L: carotid sheaths
What are the fascia that surrounds the retropharyngeal space
- A: pretracheal (middle deep fascia)
2. P: Prevertebral (deep deep fascia)
The submandibular space is transected by what muscle
broad thin, sheet of muscle in the subcutaneous tissue of the neck
In torticollis, the chin pointing to the right, then upward, and then the head turned to the left means that the damage is
Left SCM
what bone has no articulation with another bone?
the hyoid bone is at the level of what cervical vertebra?
What are your suprahyoid muscles?
- Digastric
- Mylohoid
- Stylohyoid
- Geniogyoid
Remember: D MSG
What muscle divides the digastric into anterior and posterior belly
What are your infrahyoid muscles?
- Thyrohyoid
- Omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
The superficial infrahyoid muscles are?
- Omohyoid
2. Sternohyoid
the deep infrahyoid muscles are
- Thyrohyoid
- Sternothyroid
these are covered byt the sternohyoid muscle
What muscle depresses the larynx?
What muscle elevates the larynx?
what muscle divides the neck into anterior and posterior triangles?
What are the different triangles of the anterior traingle
- Submental
- Digastric/Submandibular
- Carotid
- Muscular
What are the triangles of the posterior triangle?
- Supraclavicular
2. Occipital
Draw the boundaries of the triangles of the neck
This neck triangle is associated with accessory nerve lesions
occipital triangle
The posterior triangle contains these nerves
- 3 trunks of the brachial plexus
- Four cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
- Spinal accessory
What are the arteries present in the posterior triangle?
- 3rd part of subclavian artery
- Suprascapular artery
- Transverse cervical artery
- Occipital artery
___ is the superficial landmark of the supraclavicular fossa
Supraclavicular triangle
This triangle is where the external jugular vein and subclavian vein crosses
supraclavicular triangle
What rib articulates the manubrium
- First rib
2. Upper half of the second rib
The head of 5th rib articulates with the
Superior articular facet, T4
Inferior articular facet of T5
Rib 10 articulates to what thoracic vertebra
The 5th rib tubercle articulates to the ___
Transverse process of T5
Rib without tubercle
11, 12
The rib tubercle articulates with what part of the vertebra
Transverse process of the corresponding vertebra
Weakest part of the rib is ___
anterior to its angle
What are your muscles of inspiration?
- External intercostal
- Internal intercostal
- Innermost intercostal
The right crura arises from the
- Sides of T1 to T3 + intervertebral discs
The left crura arises from the
Body of L1 to L2 + intervertebral disk
During inspiration, the rib neck moves laterally and rotates
on its own axis
What muscles contract during forced inspiration to raise the firs rib?
- Scalenus anterior
2. Scalenus medius
What muscles contract during forced inspiration to raise the sternum?
What muscles contract during forced inspiration to raise the ribs?
- Serratus anterior
2. Pectoralis minor
What muscles contract during forced expiration to pull the 12th rib downward?
- Quadratus lumborum
What muscles contract during forced expiration to pull the lower ribs?
- Latissimus dorsi
The largest branch among the intercostal nerves is the ____
1st intercostal nerve
What intercostal nerve joins the C8 to form the brachial plexus?
1st intercostal nerve
The skin above the sternal angle can be the referred pain site for ___
GB pain
What subcostal nerve runs beneath the 12th rib
12th thoracic spinal nerve
[Intercostal artery]
Large single
Posterior intercostal artery
[Posterior Intercostal artery]
The Intercostal artery supplying the first and 2nd ICS is a branch of the
Costovertebral trunk
[Posterior Intercostal artery]
the intercostal artery supplying the 3rd to 9th intercostal space is a branch of the
thoracic aorta
[Intercostal artery]
2 arteries that are small
anterior intercostal artery
[Anterior Intercostal artery]
The intercostal artery supplying the first to sixth intercostal space is a branch of the
Internal thoracic
[Anterior Intercostal artery]
The intercostal artery supplying the 7th to 9th ICS is a branch of the
musculophrenic artery
The posterior intercostal vein drains to the ____
- Azygous (right)
2. Hemiazygous (left)
The anterior intercostal vein drains to teh
- Internal thoracic vein
2. Musculophrenic vein
During thoracentesis, the needle pass throug these structures
{Anterior to posterio}
- Externa Intercostal
- Innermost intercosta
- Thoracic caity
From superior to inferior, what are the contents of the intercostal space?
The intercostal nodes drain to the ____
Cysterna chyli
The phrenic nodes drain to the ____
parasternal and posterior mediastinal lymph nodes