Lower Extremity Flashcards
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What innervates the anterior thigh muscles?
Femoral nerve
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What are your anterior thigh msucles?
- Iliopsoas
- Tensor fascia lata
- Sartorius
- Pectineus
- Quadriceps femoris
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What is the strongest hip flexor
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What medially rotates the thigh?
Tensor fascia lata
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What laterally rotates the thigh
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What are the components of your quadriceps femoris
Remember: tatlong Vastus sa recto
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
[Anterior thigh muscles]
what supples the tensor fascia lata?
Superior gluteal nerve
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What is the origin of sartorius and TFL?
[Anterior thigh muscles]
what is the origin of your rectus femoris?
[Anterior thigh muscles]
Wha is the common insertion of quadriceps femoris?
Patellar tendon
[Anterior thigh muscles]
What is the main action of the anterior compartment of the thigh muscles?
- Flex the thigh at hip joint
2. Extend the leg at knee joint
[Medial thigh muscles]
What are the components of your medial thigh?
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Adductor magnus
- Gracilis
[Medial thigh muscles]
what innervates your medial thigh?
obturator nerve
[Medial thigh muscles]
what is the common insertion of your adductor muscles?
Linea aspera of femur
[Medial thigh muscles]
What is the insertion of the hamstring part of adductor magnus?
Adductor tubercle of femur
[Medial thigh muscles]
what adducts the thigh and flexes the leg?
[Medial thigh muscles]
What is the main action of your medial thigh muscles?
ADducts the thigh
[Posterior thigh muscles]
What are the actions of your posterior thigh muscles?
- Extend the thigh
2. Flex the leg
[Posterior thigh muscles]
What innervates your posterior thigh muscles?
Sciatic nerve
[Posterior thigh muscles]
What are the muscles of your posterior thigh?
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris, long head (tibial part)
- Biceps femoris, short head, common peroneal
- Adductor magnus
[Posterior thigh muscles]
What is the common origin of your hamstring muscles?
Ischial tuberosuty
What are the innervation of the adductor magnus?
- Medial thigh - obturator nerve
2. Posterior thigh - Sciatic nerve
[Femoral triangle]
What are the contents of your femoral traingle?
- Femoral nerve and its branches
- Femoral sheath
- Femoral artery and branches
- Femoral branches and tributaries
[Femoral triangle]
What are the borders of your femoral triangle?
S: Inguinal ligament
M: adductor longus
L: sartorius
F: Adductor longus, pectineu, lliopsoas
[Femoral Sheath]
It is formed by____
- Inferior prolongation of the iliopsoas
2. Transversalis fasia
[Femoral Sheath]
What are the compartments of the femoral sheath?
- Lateral - femoral artery
- Intermediate - femoral vein
- Medial - femoral canal
What is the most lateral structure within the femoral sheath?
Femoral artery
remember: sheath: artery
What is the most lateral structure within the femoral triangle
Femoral nerve
Remember: triangle: nerve
What nerve supplies the skin below the inguinal ligament?
genitofemoral nerve
The femoral vein is ___ (lateral/medial) to the femoral pulse
Where can you palpate the femoral pulse?
between the ASIS and symphisis pubis
This refers to the hunter canal
Adductor canal = subsartorial canal
[Adductor canal]
what are the contents of your adductor canal?
- Femoral artery/vein
- Saphenous nerve
- Nerve to vastus medialis
This tunnel runs from the apex of the femoral triangle to the adductor hiatus in the adductor magnus muscle
adductor hiatus
[Gluteal region]
what are the different regions in your gluteal area?
- Superficial group - extends thig
- Intermediate group - ABduct, medially rotate thigh
- Deep group, lateral rotator of thigh
[Gluteal region]
What are the muscles of the superficial group of the gluteal region?
Gluteus maximus - extend thigh
[Gluteal region]
What are the muscles of the intermediate group of the gluteal region?
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
ABduct thigh
Medially rotates thigh
[Gluteal region]
What are the muscles of the deep group of the gluteal region?
- Piriformis
- Obturator internus
- Superior and inferior gemelli
- Quadratus femoris
lateral rotator
What are the common origin of your gluteal muscles?
Outer surface of ilium
Which gluteal muscles does not insert in the greater trochanter of femur?
- Gluteus maximus
2. Quadratus femoris
[Gluteal region]
What innervates your gluteal medius and minimus?
Superior gluteal
What is the largest nerve in the body?
sciatic nerve
What prevents overextension during standing?
Iliofemoral ligament
Inverted Y shape
What limits extension and abduction at the hip joint
Triangular shape
what limits extension at the hip joint?
Spiral shaped
[Diagnose: Nerve injury]
Waddling gate
superior gluteal nerve
What muscle is damaged in waddling gate?
Weakened gluteus medius
Weak Right gluteus medius results to pelvic sagging to the ____
unsupported limb
[Diagnose: Nerve injury]
Weakness in the ability to laterally rotate and extend the thigh at the hip joint
like climbing stairs or rising from a chair
Inferior gluteal nerve
[Diagnose: Nerve injury]
IM injection at this site can lead to sciatic nerve damage
lower medial quadrant
[Diagnose: Nerve injury]
intragluteal injections are done at the
superolateral part of the buttock
___ syndrome irritates and places pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of sciatic nerve
Piriformis Syndrome
___ pain in the lower back and hip radiating down the back of the thigh and leg
[Diagnose: Nerve injury]
pain and paresthesia in the skin of the medial aspect of the leg and foot. no motor loss.
saphenous nerve lesions
[Diagnose: Nerve injury]
inability to adduct the thigh at the hip, paresthesia of the medial thigh
obturator nerve lesions
[gaits and associated pathology]
spastic gait
[gaits and associated pathology]
waddling gait
- superior gluteal nerve injury
2. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
[gaits and associated pathology]
Wide-based gait
Cerebellar lesion
[gaits and associated pathology]
Steppage gait/foot drop
common peroneal
[gaits and associated pathology]
shuffling gait
Neck shaft angle > 140deg
Coxa Valga
ADduction is limited
Neck shaft angle < 135
Coxa vara
ABduction is limited
what is the major arterial supply of the femoral head?
Medial femoral circumflex
What is the arterial supply of small branch of the femoral head?
Obturator artery
Dislocation of the femoral head commonly occur in the __ direction
what are the three compartments of the leg
What is the action of the anterior leg muscles
- Dorsiflex foot
2. Extend foot
what is the nerve supply of the anterior leg muscles?
Deep peroneal nerve
What are the your anterior leg muscles?
- Tibialis anterior
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Extensor hallucis longus
- Extensor digitorum brevis
- Peroneus tertius
What is the action of your lateral leg muscles
- Eversion
2. Weak plantarflexion
What innervates your lateral leg muscles?
superficial peroneal nerve
What are the components of your lateral leg muscles
- Peroneus longus
2. Peroneus brevis
What is the action of your posterior leg muscles?
- Plantarflexion
2. Flexion
What muscle unlocks the knee
Muscle that is part of the posterior leg muscle but has no action on the ankle joint
what innervates your posterior leg muscle?
tibial nerve
What are the components of your superficial, posterior leg muscle
- Gastrocnemius
- Plantaris
- Soleus
What are the components of your deep, posterior leg muscle
- Popliteus
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Tibialis posterior
Triceps surae is made of what muscles
- Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
Sudden acute pain at the back of the calf or ankle
snap is heard, patient difficulty walking and standing on TIPTOE
Achilles tendon rupture
What muscle everts the foot, and plantar flex
Wha muscle inverts the foot, and plantar flex the foot?
tibialis muscle
What are the contents of the popliteal fossa?
- Popliteal vessels
- Common peroneal N
- Posterior cutaneous N
- LN
- Small saphenous N
- Tibial N
- Genicular branch of obturator N
[Tendon reflexes]
Biceps brachii
[Tendon reflexes]
[Tendon reflexes]
Patellar tendon
[Tendon reflexes]
Achilles tendon
[Blood Vessels of the LE]
What are the branches of your external iliac artery?
- Inferior epigastric
- Deep circumflex
- Femoral
[Blood Vessels of the LE]
What are the branches of your femoral artery
- Superficial femoral
2. Deep femoral artery
[Landmark of pulses]
What is the landmark to locate the dorsalis pedis pulse?
Between the malleoli and 1st intermetatarsal space
[Landmark of pulses]
Femoral artery
behind the inguinal ligament midway between the ASIS and symphysis pubis
[Landmark of pulses]
popliteal artery
popliteal space by passively flexing the knee joint
[Landmark of pulses]
posterior tibial
behind the medial malleolus, between tendons of FDL and FHL/ midway between medial malleolus and heel
The great saphenous vein drains to the?
Femoral vein
The small saphenous vein drains to the
Popliteal vein
[Cutaneous innervations]
The lateral cutaneous and superficial peroneal originates from the?
Common peroneal
[Cutaneous innervations]
The saphenous nerve originates from the?
femoral nerve
[Cutaneous innervations]
What supplies the anteromedial surface of teh leg
Saphenour nerve
The sural nerve is a branch of?
Tibial nerve
[Cutaneous innervations]
supplies the skin of the lower part of the posterolateral surface of the leg
Sural nerve
What nerve supplies the anterior compartment of the leg
Deep peroneal
What nerve supplies the lateral compartment of the leg
superficial peroneal
what nerve supplies the posterior compartment of the leg?
[Nerve lesion]
Weakness in foot eversion
Superficial peroneal/ Fibular nerve lesions
[Nerve lesion]
Patient cant stand on tiptoes
Tibial nerve lesions