Face, Mastication, Nose Flashcards
Facial muscles are located in the ____ tissue
subcutaneous tissue
The embryonic origin of facial muscles
mesoderm, 2nd pharyngeal arch
Why do facial lacerations tend to gape?
Face has no deep fascia and the subcutaneous tissue are loosely attached
[Muscles of facial expression]
[Muscles of facial expression]
[Muscles of facial expression]
[Muscles of facial expression]
[Muscles of facial expression]
orbicularis oris
what arteries supplies the facial muscles?
- facial nerve from the ECA
2. Superficial temporal from ECA
What are the tributaries of the facial vein?
- Angular vein
What are the tributaries of the common facial vein?
- Retromandibular vein, anterior branch
2. Facial vein
What are the tributaries of the angular vein?
- Supraorbital vein
2. Suptratrochlear vein
What are the tributaries of the retromandibular vein?
- Superficial tempolar
2. Maxillary
The posterior branch of the retromandibular vein drains to the
What are the structures that can be possibly affected in cavernous sinus thrombosis?
- CN 3, 4, 6
- CN V2
Infection through this vein can lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis
superior ophthalmic vein
[Venous blood sinuses]
at upper falx cerebri
superior saggital
[Venous blood sinuses]
at lower falx cerebri
inferior saggital
[Venous blood sinuses]
at junction of falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli
straight sinus
[Venous blood sinuses]
from superior saggital
right transverse sinus
[Venous blood sinuses]
from straight sinus
left transverse sinus
[Venous blood sinuses]
from transverse sinus to IJV
[Clinical correlate]
Injuries to the middle meningeal artery could lead to what kind of intracranial hemorrhage?
EXtradural = conveX = Epidural
[Clinical correlate]
Tearing of the superior cerebral veins could lead to what kind of intracranial hemorrhage?
[Clinical correlate]
Rupture of the lenticulostriate artery of the middle cerebral artery could lead to what kind of intracranial hemorrhage?
cerebral hemorrhage
[muscles of mastication]
closes jaw
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial pterygoid
[muscles of mastication]
opens jaw
- Lateral pterygoid
What innervates sensation of of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
- Trigeminal nerve (CN 5)
What innervates the taste sensation of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
- Facial nerve (CN 7)
The geniculate ganglion gives rise to
- Greater petrosal
- Stapedius (nerve to it)
- Chorda tympani
- Posterior auricular
- Parotid plexus
What are the terminal branches of the facial nerve from the parotid plexus
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccla
- Mandibular
- Cervical
The corneal reflex are carried by ___ nerve
Afferent nerve of the nasociliary nerve
branch of CN V1
___ is a sharp, stabbing pain that radiates over the areas innervated by sensory branches of the maxillary or mandibular divisions of CN V?
trigeminal neuralgia
What innervates the muscles of mastication?
CN 5
What innervates the muscles of facial expression?
CN 7
What innervates the muscles of degluttition
CN 9
What innervates the muscles of phonation
CN 10
Aside from the muscle of mastication, the CN V3 supplies what muscles?
- Mylohyoid
- Anterior belly of digastric
- Tensor veli palatini
- Tensor tympani
The middle ear drains to what LN?
Retropharyngeal and upper deep cervical
The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses drains to what LN?
- Submandibular
- Retropharyngeal
- Upper deep cervical
The tongue drains to what LN?
- Submental
- Submandibular
- Upper and lower cervical
The larynx drains to what LN?
- Upper and lower cervical
The pharynx drains to what LN?
- Retropharyngeal
2. Upper and lower deep cervical
The thyroid gland drains to what LN?
- Lower deep cervical
- Prelaryngeal
- Pretracheal
- Paratracheal
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
Muscles of mastication
Pharyngeal arch 1
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
malleus and incus
Pharyngeal arch 1
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
pharyngeal arch 2
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
muscles of facial expression
pharyngeal arch 2
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
upper hyoid
pharyngeal arch 2
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
lower hyoid
pharyngeal arch 3
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
Pharyngeal arch 3
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
muscles of phonation
pharyngeal arch 4, 6
[Guess the pharyngeal arch number]
laryngeal cartilage
pharyngeal arch 4, 6
[Guess the pharyngeal pouch number]
inferior parathyroid
pharyngeal pouch 3
[Guess the pharyngeal pouch number]
superior parathyroid
pharyngeal pouch 4
[Guess the pharyngeal pouch number]
palatine tonsil
pharyngeal pouch 2
[Guess the pharyngeal pouch number]
epithelium of the auditory tube
pharyngeal pouch 1
[Guess the pharyngeal groove number]
epithelium of the external auditory meatus and skin over the tympanic membrane
pharyngeal groove 1
[Nasal sinuses]
the first radiological evidence of the frontal sinus occurs at what age?
6 years old
Nasolacrimal duct is associated with which paranasal meatus
inferior meatus
The posterior ethmoidal sinus is associated with which paranasal meatus
Superior meatus
The kiesselbach plexus is composed of what arteries?
- Branch of sphenopalatine (maxillary)
- Greater palatine (maxillary)
- Anterior ethmoidal (Ophthalmic)
- Superior labial (facial)
The anterior region of the nose drains forward onto which LN?
Anterior regions