theory of cognitive developement - piaget Flashcards
describe he process of schema formation
piaget believed that we built our understandings of the world through our interactions with our environements, he called these concepts we build ‘schemas’
define a schema
schemas are mental freameorks that organise past experiences and help to understand future ones
what are the 4 kinds of schemas
- assimilation
- accomodation
- equilibrium
- disequalibrium
describe assimilation
interpeting new experinces through current understandings e.g. all round objects fit into a schema of a ball, an olive is a ball
describe accomodation
creating or adjusting our current schemas to fit in with new experiences e.g. grapes and oloives are not balls and a new schema is created for round foods and an existing schema of a ball is adjusted to round and bouncy
describe disequilibrium
the state experienced when existing schemas are not able to accomodate fr new information
describe euqilibrium
when our existing schemas can explain what we percieve around us
describe piaget’s theory of cognitive devlopment
he believed that cognitive development depended upon the interaction of the brains biologial maturation with personal experiences. he proposed that children go through four stages sequentially
what are the four stages of cognitive devlopement
- sensimotor
- pre - operational
- concrete operational
- formal operational
describe sensi motor
0-2 years. Infants know the world through their senses and actions.
e.g. they learn what dogs look like trhough petting them
describe pre operational
2-7 years. toddlers and children aquire the ability to represent the world through symbols, mental images and language and begin to see the world through different persepectives, but they cannot yet think logically.
describe concrete operational
7-11 years. Childrena re now able to think logicall, classify object into specific catagories and understand that there are multiple factors that influence events
describe fromal operational
12+ years. adolescents can begin to think about what might be as well as what is, which allows them to understand politics, science and ethics.
describe invisible displacement
the ablitlity to tract the moevenment of a hidden object
describe the three mountains
it was a task designed to test childrens ability to take a perspective of another person. They had to choose a photograph that represented the perspective of a doll placed on the other side of a model sees.
describe conservation
the ability to think logically to determine that a quanity will remain the same even though there is a change in shape or size.
describe the pendulum problem
the particpiant is asked to figure out what governs the speed of an object swiniging on a peice of string