The Pain Matrix Flashcards
What is the following a definition of?
An upleasant sensory and emotional experience related to physical tissue injury or the potential for tissue damage to occur
Pain follows an intricate, variable interaction between ____ factors such as ____, ____ factors and ____ factors
Biological; genetics; psychological, social
The processing of nocicpetive stimuli and the perception of pain involves what?
Multifactorial and multipathway system
What parts of the brain does the Pain Matrix project to? (7)
- Brainstem
- Amyglada
- Hypothalamas
- Thalamus
- Anterior Cingulate Cortex
- Insula
- Somatosensory Cortices
What are the 2 systems that the cortical represenation of pain been divided into?
Lateral pain system and medial pain system
Which signals transfer up the pain matrix when stimulated?
Peripheral Nociceptors
Which cortical representation of pain stimulus is this?
Recieves location and intensity of tissue damage or potential tissue damage
Lateral Pain System
Which cortical representation of pain stimulus is this?
Affective and cognitive responses to the signals
Medial Pain System
Name the structures of the lateral nociceptive system (3)
- Somatosensory cortex
- ventral posterolateral and ventral postermedial nuclei
Name the structures of the medial nociceptive system (11)
- Insula
- Cingulate Cortex
- Prefrontal
- Parietal Cortex
- Amygdala
- Ventral Striatum of the Basal Ganglia
- Hypothalamus
- Intralaminar nuclei
- Periaqueductal gray
- Reticular formation
- Ventral Medulla
The discriminative aspect of understanding pain is what?
Ability to localize the site, timing, and intensity of tissue damage or potential damage
What is the discriminative aspect of pain processed by?
Travels the spinothalamic tract and is processed in the somatosensory cortex via the lateral pain system
What is the motivational-affective aspect of the pain experience?
Effects of pain experience on emotions and behavior
How the is the motivational-affective aspect processed?
Travels in the spinolimbic and spinoreticular tracts and then to emotional system
What is the cognitive-evaluative aspect of the pain experience?
The meaning that the person assigns to the pain
Does the pain matrix generate a top-down or down-top response to nociceptive signals that regulate affecrent nociceptive signals?
What is the following a defintion of?
The top-down inhibition of pain signals