Neurologic Differential Diagnosis and Neurologic Examination Flashcards
Name some symtoms looked for during subjective exam?
- pain
- fatigue
- numbness
What is evidence of a disese or impairment that can be observed by somone other than the patient?
What is diagnositc process of determing symptoms and signs where nervous system damage has occured
Lesion Localization
What is limited to signal location, such as infarct in the pons?
focal lesion
What is limited to several nonsymmetric locations?
Multifocal Lesion
What is lesion affected bilaterally symmetric structures but does not cross midline as a single lesion
Diffuse lesion
What is lesion of CNS involving descending motor pathways
Upper Motor Neuron
What is lesion within PNS
Lower motor neuron
Are these signs of upper or lower motor neurons
- hyperflexive deep tendon reflexes
- presence of pathological reflexes and disuses muscle atrophy
- increased muscle tone
Upper motor neurons
Are these signs of upper or lower motor neurons
- decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes
- presence of fasciculations and neurogenic muscle atrophy
- decreased or absent muscle tone
Lower Motor Neurons
Primary or secondary impairments?
- symptoms and signs that are the direct result of the pt’s disease or pathology
Primary impairment
Primary or secondary impairments?
- abnormal changes in structure or function of a given system that may occur as consequence of pt’s initial pathlogy or related impairments and/or result over time of some other type of influence
Secondary impairment
When is a comprehensive neurologic examination done?
persons with known or suspected neurologial diganosis