Spinal Region Motor Function Flashcards
What is the following a definition of?
Generators located in the spinal cord that produce reciprocal lower extremity locomotor patterns in absence of supraspinal input
Stepping Pattern
What determines the firing rate to the LMN?
Input; which will then determine muscle contraction
Interneuron circuits integrate activity from all sources and then adjust output of ____ ____ ____
Lower motor neurons
Where do synapses get their information from?
IA, IB, II afterents, interneurons, and descending upper motor neurons
Motor activity elicted by descending commands can be modified by what?
By afferent input in normal movement
What can descending commands modify?
Motor activity elicited by afferent input
What is the following a definition of?
Inhibition of antagnoist muscles during agnoist contraction
Reciprocal inhibition
How is reciprocal inhibition accomplished?
By interneurons in spinal cord that link LMN into functional groups
What happens when muscle spindles within the muscle send signals into the spinal cord?
Activates interneurons that inhibit the LMN of the antagnoist
Recicprocal inhibition prevent ____ of ____ muscles when agnoist is reflexively activated
activation; antagnoist
Activity in collateral branch from Type 1A afferents stimulates what?
Interneruons to inhibit the alpha efferent to antagonist in order to prevent antagnoist stretch reflex
Why is recriprocal inhibition occasionally suppressed?
To allow contraction of antagnoists
What is the following a definition of?
Has effects opposite to those of recirprocal inhibition; inhibition of agnoists and syngerists occur with disinhibition of antagnoists
Recurrent inhibition
What are Renshaw cells?
Interneurons that produce recurrent inhibition
How are Renshaw Cells stimulated?
By a recurrent collateral branch from the alpha motor neuron
What is the following a definition of?
Side branch of an axon that turns back toward its own cell
Recurrent collateral branch
What do Renshaw Cells inhibit?
Inhibit the same alpha motor neuron that gives rises to the collateral branch and alpha motor neurons of synergists
What do Renshaw cells focus on?
Motor Activity
Loss of what on renshaw cell activity may cause difficulty in achieving fine motor control?
Loss of descending influence
What is the following a definition of?
Coordinated muscle action consisting of functionally linked muscles that are constrained by the CNS to act cooperativley to produce an intended motor action
Muscle synergy
What are the 3 functions of muscle syngergies?
- Simplify control
- reduce or constrain degrees of freedom
- initiate coordinated patterns of movement
Why are syngergies combined?
To produce appropriate sequence of muscle actions required for a functional task
How do Type II afferents contribute to synergies?
By delivering information to spinal cord neurons from tonic recpetors in:
- muscle spindles
- certain joint receptors
- cutaneous and subcutaneous touch and pressure receptors