Introduction to Central Nervous System Flashcards
What plane of section is this?
parallel to vertical plane and section divides brain into anterior and posterior halves
What plane of section is this?
parallel to vertical plane but section divides brain into right and left halves
What plane of section is this?
parallel to horizontal plane and section divides brain into superior and inferior halves
What are the parts of the cerebrum
- 2 cerebral hemispheres
- diencephalon
What is this structure?
- covers entire surface of cerebral hemisphere
- composed of gray matter
- highly folded producing (gyri) ridges and sulci (grooves)
- processes sensory, motor and memory information
- site for reasoning, language, nonverbal communication, intelligence and personality
- different areas are specialized to perform variety of functions
Cerebral cortex
What lobe is this?
thoughts planning, decisions, actions, personality, emotion, motivation, initiatve, judgement, concentration, social inhibitions, speech and motor
Frontal lobe
What lobe is this?
sensation and perception including location and context of sensory inputs, spatial orientation and certain aspects of language
Parietal lobe
What lobe is this?
processing visual information
Occipital lobe
What lobe is this?
processing auditory information, language and certain complex functions like memory
Temporal Lobe
What lobe is this?
not a discrete lobe; combines frontal, parietal and temporal lobe; processes learning, memory and emotion
Limbic lobe
What lobe is this?
deep to lateral sulcus, processing and integration of taste sensation, visceral and pain sensation and vesitbular functions
Insular lobe
What seperates frontal and parietal lobes
Central sulcus
What seperates frontal and parietal lobe from temporal lobe
Lateral sulcus
What seperates occipital lobe from parietal lobe
Parieto-occipital sulcus
What seperates 2 cerebral hemispheres
Longitudinal fissure
What is anterior to central sulcus; primary motor area
Precentral gyrus
What is posterior to central sulcus; primary sensory areas
Postcentral gyrus
What relays motor and sensory information to cerebral cortex; processes emotional and some memory information, integrate sensation and regulate consciousness, arousal, and attention
What is functionally part of limbic system; coordinates and integrates endocrine, autonomic and homeostatic functions
What is pineal gland which influences secretion of other endocrine glands (pituitary and adrenal)
What is modulating and integrating motor-activity movement and muscle tone
What are these structures a part of?
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Epithalamus
- Subthalamus
What is group of interconnected, integrating gray matter nuclei found deep within cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon and midbrain under cortical layer
Basal Ganglia
Where are these structures?
- caudate
- putamen
- globus pallidus
Nuceli deep within cerebral hemisphere
Where is this structure?
Subthalamic nucleus
Nucleus in diencephalon
Where is this structure?
Substansia nigra
nucleus in midbrain
What has this role?
initation and control of voluntary movements, social and goal oriented behavior and emotions
Basal ganglia nuclei
What is this structure?
- emotional learning and memory
- fear
- reward
What is this structure
- learning
- memory formation and retrieval
- part of declaritative memory system (facts)
- site of adult neurogenesis
What fiber is this?
- connects cortical regions within the same hemisphere
- superior longitudinal fasiculus
Assocation fibers
What fiber is this?
- reciprocally connect areas of cortex in one area with corresponding area of the opposite area
- corpus callosum connects the two cerebral hemispheres
Commissural fibers
What fiber is this?
- Project to and from cortex
- corona radiata and internal capsule
Projection fibers
What is connected to diencephalon rostorally, cerebellum dorsally and spinal cord caudally
What conveys ascending and descending information between brain and spinal cord, integrates information and regulates vital function
What has the following functions
- contain postural and locomotion
- perception and modulation of pain
- regulates cardiovascular and respiratory functions
- sensory and motor information of face and neck
- regulates consciousness
- sleep/wake cycle
- basic functions of taste, eating, hearing, balance and vision
What has the following structures?
- cerebral penducles
- superior and infeiror colliculi
- substansia nigra
- periaqueductal gray
- red nucleus
- CN III and IV nuclei
- locus coerleus
- pedunclopontine nucles
- ventral legmentum
What has the following structures?
- cerebellar pundcles
- pontine nuclei
- CN V - VIII nuclei
What has the following structures?
- medullary pyramids
- inferior olives
- fasciulus gracilis and cuneatus
- nucelus gracilis and cuneaus
- CN IX - XII nuclei
- cardiovascular and respiratory regulation centers
What integrates information to produce smooth movement, motor planning and learning
What carries information to and from cerebellum
Cerebellar peduncles
What has gross limb movement
What has precise distal voluntary movements
cerebrocerebellum (motor portion)
What regulates equilibrium
What has L2-5 nerve roots, travel down before exiting vertebral canal
Cauda equina
What is region of spinal cord occupied by one pair of spinal nerve roots belonging to one pair of corresponding spinal nerves
Spinal cord segment
What region is this?
- 8 segments and pairs of spinal nerves that supply head, neck and UE’s
what region is this?
- 12 segments and pairs of spinal nerves that supply trunk
What region is this?
- 5 segments and pairs of spinal nerves that supply LE’s
What region is this?
5 pairs of sacral spinal nerves supply the bowels, bladder, and genetallia
What horn has sensory information
Dorsal horns
What horn has autonomic information and is present only at T1 - L2 spinal segments
Lateral horn
What horn has motor information
Ventral horn
what contains axons of tract cells, transmitting sensory information to the brain?
Dorsal and Lateral columns
What contains axons of upper motor neurons, conveying information descending from brain to interneurons and lower motor neurons
Lateral and Ventral columns
What supports and cushions and regulates extracellular environment
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
What is located in cerebral hemisphere; connected to each other and third ventricle via intraventricular foramen
lateral ventricles
What is located at narrow slit in diencehphalon
Third ventricle
What connects third and fourth ventricle
cerebral aqaduct
What is located posterior to pons and medulla and anterior to cerebellum; CSF flows from here to 2 lateral foramina of Luschka and medial foramen of Magende
Fourth ventricle
What is outermost layer of Meninges
Dura mater
What separates cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebri
What separates cerebellum from cerebral hemispheres
Tentorium cerebeli
What is the delicate middle layer; has projections that from arachnoid vili
Arachnoid mater
What protrudes into venous sinuses and responsible fro reabsorption of CSF
Arachnoid vili
What is formed by clusters of arachnoid vili
Arachnoid granulation
What is innermost layer, tightly attached to surface of brain and spinal cord
Pia mater
What is formed between pia mater and arachnoid; real space
Subarachnoid space
What is a potential space between dura and the skull
Epidural space
What is potential space between arachnoid and dura
Subdural space
What is blood supply to cerebellum
internal carotid artery
What is blood supply to occipital and inferior temporal lobes and brainstem and cerebellar regions
vertebral artery
What is blood supply of most of pons and cerebellum
basilar artery
What is anatomic rig of 9 arteries that provide cerebral hemisphere blood supply
Circle of Willis