The Appendicular Skeleton Ch 3 Flashcards
The appendicular Skeleton
Composed of the bones of the limbs
Scapula (shoulder blade)
A large triangular bone on the side of the thorax
Clavicle (collar bone)
A slender bone that connects the sternum to the scapula
Vestigial or Rudimentary Clavicle
Degenerate, atrophied or undeveloped collar bone
What species don’t have clavicles?
swine, ruminants and equine
Humerus (Brachium)
The long bone of the proximal front limb
The region of the radius and the ulna
The cranial bone of the front limb
The caudal bone of the front limb
The proximal projection of the ulna that forms the point of the elbow (some species have a fused radius and ulna
Carpal Bones
Irregularly shaped bones in the area known as the wrist in people
The joint in the area known as the wrist in people (in small animals)
The joint in the area known as the wrist in people (in large animals)
Bones found distal to the carpus (Identified by numbers from medial to lateral)
Splint bones
When metacarpals (and metatarsals) II and IV do not articulate (connect) with the phalanges (in horses)
Interosseous Ligament
The ligament that attaches the splint bones to the large third metacarpal (or metatarsal) bone (the cannon bone)
Cannon Bone
The large third metacarpal (or metatarsal) bone
An animal (such as a cow or sheep) that has more than one stomach and that swallows food and then brings it back up again to continue chewing it
The bones of the digit (numbered from proximal to distal). Plural form of phalanx
One bone of the digit (Digit 1)
The bones analogous (related or similar) to the human finger and vary in number in animals. Cloven-hoofed animals, such as ruminants or swine, have 3 phalanges in their digits with the distal-most (p3) encased in the hoof. Equine species have one digit (digit III). Within that digit are 3 phalanges.
Digit 1 of the dog
Ungulates (uhng-yoo-latz)
Animals with hooves
Dewclaws of ungulates
The vestigial digits of the cloven hoofed animals. Animals with cloven, or split hoof, have digits III and IV and digits II and V are vestigial.
Fetlock Joint
The joint between metacarpal (metatarsal) III and the proximal phalanx
Pastern Joint
The joint between P1 and P2
Coffin Joint
The joint between P2 and P3
Long pastern bone
The common name for P1 (Phalangeal bone 1) in livestock
Short pastern bone
The common name for P2 (Phalangeal bone 2) in livestock
Coffin Bone
The common name for P3 (Phalangeal bone 3) in livestock
Phalanx 3 in non-hooved animals
Onych/o (combining form)
In cats, a surgical procedure to remove the claws (declaw)
Sesamoid Bones
Small nodular bones embedded in a tendon or joint capsule
Navicular Bone
Common name for the sesamoid bone in horses located inside the hoof on the palmar or plantar surface of P3
Pelvis (hip)
Consists of three pairs of bones: ilium, ischium, and pubis
The largest pair and is blade shaped bone of the pelvis
Sacroiliac Joint
Found in the pelvis and formed by the ilium articulating with the sacrum
Ischium (ish-ke-uhm)
The caudal pair of bones in the Pelvis
The ventral pair of bones that are fused on midline by a cartilaginous joint on the pelvic bone
Pubic symphysis
Cartilaginous (cart-til-i-jin-ous) joint that fuses the two the ventral pair on bones (the pubic bones) called the pubis together - crotch
Acetabulum (ass-eh-tab-bule-um)
The large socket of the pelvic bone that forms where the three bones meet - ilium, ischium, and the pubis (head of the femur) Forms the ball and socket joint with the femur
Hooks and pins (in cattle)
Points of the ilium and ischium
Femur (or thigh bone)
The proximal long bone of the rear leg
Femoral Head (head of the femur)
Connected to a narrow area called the femoral neck
Femoral Neck
A proximal part of the femur (a narrow area below the head of the femur)
Trochanter (s)
Large, flat, broad projections on a bone
Condyle (s)
Rounded projection
Patella (knee cap)
A large sesamoid bone in the rear limb
The joint between the femur and tibia (NOT A BONE)
Stifle Joint
The joint that houses the patella
Popliteal (pop-lit-e-a-l)
Sesamoid bone is the rear limb and on the caudal surface of the stifle
One of the distal long bones of the rear limb. Of the two distal long bones it is more weight bearing
Long slender bone (distal long bone)
The area of the limb between the stifle and hock (lower leg)
Tarsal Bones
Irregularly shaped bones found in the ankle area
Tarsus / Hock (joint)
The area known as the ankle in people which includes the tarsals.
Tarsus = small animal (joint)
Hock = large animals (joint)
One of the tarsal bones. Shorter medial bone located in the proximal row of tarsals
Calcaneus (cal-kay.knee-us)
The long, lateral tarsal bone located in the proximal row of tarsal bones
Front ankle part
Back ankle part
Vertebral Formulas for species
Dogs and cats: C=7, T=13, L=7, S=3, Cy=6-23
Equine: C=7, T=18, L=6 (or L=5 in weird arabians) S=5, Cy=15-21
Bovine: C=7, T=13, L=6, S=5, Cy=18-20
Pigs: C=7, T=14-15, L=6-7, S=4, Cy=20-23
Sheep and goats: C=7, T=13, L=6-7, S=4, Cy=16-18
Chicken: C=14, T=7, LS=14, Cy=6 (lumbar and sacral are fused)