Laboratory and Blood Test Terminology Ch 16 Flashcards
Withdrawing blood from a vein (usually with a needle or syringe)
An instrument used to determine the deviation of light through objects. Used to measure solute (particle) concentration of serum, urine and other body fluids.
A machine that spins samples very rapidly to separate elements based on density. It’s used to separate the formed elements of blood from the liquid portion of blood. Also separates liquid portion of urine from the heavier solids.
Property of low PH, or high number of hydrogen ions
Alkaline (also known as ‘basic’)
Property of high PH, or low number of hydrogen ions
Clumping together of cells or particles
Assessment or test to determine the number of organisms, cells, or amount of a chemical substance found in a sample.
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Diagnostic evaluation of blood of blood to determine the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes per cubic millimeter of blood
Diagnostic evaluation of the number and types of white blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood
Liquid used to make a dilution
Enzyme linked Immunosorbent assay (ELSA)
Laboratory test to determine either antigen or antibody in blood
Hematocrit or also known as crit, PCV - Packed cell volume
Percentage of erythrocytes in blood; “to separate blood”
Record of the findings in examination of blood especially with reference to the numbers, proportions, and morphology of the blood cells
Method of tagging antibodies with a luminating dye to detect antigen- antibody complexes
numeric and descriptive data in the distribution and appearance of WBCs; used to identify a pathologic process
group of laboratory testes performed on serum; also called screen or panel; includes tests that measures levels of glucose, liver enzymes, and kidney enzymes
prothrombin time
diagnostic evaluation of the number of seconds needed for thromboplastin to coagulate plasma
laboratory technique in which a radioactively laebled substance is mixed with a blood specimine to determine the amount of a particular substance in the mixture; also called radioassay
red cell count
number of erythrocytes per cubic millimeter of blood
laboratory study of serum and the reactions of antigens and antibodies
white cell count
number of leukocytes per cubic millimeter of blood