Test 51 - Created Aug 14 Flashcards
anion gap equation
Na - (Cl + HCO3)
normal: 10-14
what can recall bias lead to
misclassification of an exposure
presentation of acute mitral valve regurg
acute heart failure, sweaty, cool limbs, pulmonary edema, sudden-onset htn, hyperdynamic precordium, decrescendo holosystolic murmur at apex
causes of acute mitral regurg
ruptured mitral chordae tendineae from MVP (CT dz like Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos), infective endocarditis, rheumatic heart dz, trauma
papillary muscle rupture due to MI or trauma
presentation and tx of vulvodynia
raw, burning vulvar pain 3/+ months, dyspareunia, constant irritation, (+) Q-tip test, pain w/ labial separation
tx = behavior modification, pelvic floor physical therapy, CBT
next step when evaluating normo/normo anemia that has no clear cause
retic count
if elevated -> hemolysis
if low -> dz w/ decreased RBC production
next step if pt is suspected to have hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s) (hypoK, HTN, polyuria, polydipsia)
get plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity
depression and cardiovascular disease fact
untreated depression is associated with increased morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease
risk factors for abruptio placentae
HTN, PreE, abd. trauma, prior abruptio placentae, cocaine, tobacco
presentation of abruptio placentae
sudden-onset vaginal bleed, abdominal or back pain, high freq/low intensity contractions, rigid/tender uterus
special considerations for infantile hemangiomas based on: 5/+, facial/segmental, cervicofacial, lumbosacral
5/+ - do liver u/s
facial/segmental - echo and MRI head
cervicofacial (beard) - do laryngoscopy
lumbosacral - do spinal u/s
presentation of vasovagal and situational syncope
warmth, pale, nausea, sweaty, rapid recovery of consciousness (<1-2 min)
tx of vasovagal and situational syncope
reassurance, avoidance of triggers, physical counterpressure techniques
serum sickness like syndrome presentation
fever, polyarthritis, rash (urticaria, maculopapular, petechial), fatigue, malaise
extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis B that are explained by circulating immune ocmplexes
polyarteritis nodosa, GN, serum sickness-like syndrome
subclinical hyperthyroidism
suppressed TSH with normal thyroid hormone levels; sxs may not be present
indications for tx of subclinical hyperthyroidism and what tx is
TSH persistently below 0.1
TSH 0.1-0.5 plus age >65, heart dz, osteoporosis, nodular thyroid disease
tx = antithyroid medication or radioactive iodine
graves disease
increased uptake on RAIU scan, thyrotropin receptor Ab’s, low TSH, may have normal TH’s if subclinical, may not have sxs if subclinical
McCune Albright syndrome
triad of irregular cafe-au-lait spots (Coast of Maine), fibrous dysplasia of bone, peripheral precocious puberty; suppressed LH and FSH
when to investigate veteran for PTSD
new-onset insomnia, substance use, interpersonal conflicts
what to do next if acute cholecystitis is suspected but ultrasound only shows gallstones but no GB wall thickening or sonographic Murphy sign
HIDA scan to confirm dx