Test 42 - Created Aug 8 Flashcards
latency period
when exposure to inciting pathologic event or exposure to risk modifier (like med) occurs years before clinical manifestations become evident; med may need to continue over a long time period before disease outcome is affected
what to do with new-onset a.fib prior to a surgery
if surgery is emergent and pt hemodynamically stable, give esmolol or diltiazem and operate
if surgery is non-emergent, delay the surgery
negative predictive value
PPV = a/(a+b)
what to do if a patient asks for more days in the hospital
inform them of the limits to insurance coverage and arrange for appropriate outpatient care
what to do if female pt states she will be undergoing female circumcision
approach her in a culturally sensitive and nonjudgmental manner; advise them of the health risks associated with the procedure
presentation of HIV assoc. lipodystrophy
loss of subcut. fat from legs, arms, face, butt; fat in buffalo hump and belly
risks associated with HIV assoc. lipodystrophy
high rates of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia and increased risk for cardiovascular disease; may need to start a statin
what to do with mom after delivery if she has gDM
stop insulin drip that was going during delivery. Do fasting G 24-72 hrs postpartum. Do GTT 6-12 wks postpartum. Routinely screen for T2DM.
what to do with mom, who had T1DM or T2DM, after she delivers
cut insulin regimen in half and add sliding scale
when should varenicline be avoided
patients with current unstable psych status or recent S.I.
when should bupropion be avoided
patients with seizures
what is recommended when health care personnel have percutaneous or mucous membrane exposure to HIV-infected bodily fluids
labs and post-exposure prophylaxis for 4 wks; retest at 6 wks and 4 months
what may happen to swollen lymph node in pt with cat scratch disease
insulin management prior to exercise
short exercise - decrease dose of short-acting insulin within 1-3h prior to exercise
long exercise or done before breakfast - decrease basal insulin
next step when surgical patient has htn, wheezing, and decreased end-tidal CO2 shortly after anesthetic induction
Consider anaphylaxis. Look at the skin under the drapes for rash or flushing.
how to diagnoses paradoxical emboli (went from vv to aa)
echo and bubble study