T1 Flashcards
Definition of communication
Canale (1980):
- Echange of information between at least 2 individuals
- Shared code
- Production and comprehension processes
Stages in comprehension process
- Perception: from sounds or words
- Analysis: built up the meaning
- Use: information is drawn up
Stages in the production process
- Construction: select meanings to transmit
- Transformation: intentions into a new message
- Performance: physically express the message
Phases of oral language learning
- Prelinguistic phase: up to the 9/12 month. Crying, whispering, imitation of sounds…
- Linguistic development phase: Until 4 years old. In this place children produce words separately and start to make sentences
- Perfecting phase: from 4 onwards
Written skills
Characteristics of oral language
According to Cassany (2015) and Madrid and McLaren (2004):
- Spontaneity and immediacy
- Simple and informational language
- Suprasegmental elements
Characteristics of written language
According to Cassany (2015) and Madrid and McLaren (2004):
- Permanence
- Distance
- Processing time
- Planned, complex and formal vocabulary
- Orthography
Elements of communication
Roman Jackobson (1995):
- Sender
- Receiver
- Channel
- Code
- Message
- Context
- Noise
- Feedback
Phases of communication acts
- Codification
- Emission
- Reception
- Decodification
Functions of communication
Roman Jackobson (1995):
- Emotive
- Conative
- Poetic
- Representational
- Metalinguistic
- Phatic
Types of contexts
-Linguistic context
-Non linguistic context
Advantages of creating a context in the classroom
- Facilitates comprehension of information
- Provides new language with functionality and meaning
- Increase interest and motivation
- We must start with familiar context and use contextual support
Principles to follow when teaching and learning a language
Brown (1994)
- Correspondence between meaning and signifier
- Dominant usualness
- Compilation of the diverse manifestations of language
- Practical exercises
Physical context
The space where communication is being carried out
Historical context
Place and personal circumstances
Sociocultural context
Social norms and beliefs that help to understand the communicative situations
Correspondence between meaning and signifier:
both language and communication need a material part and a psychic content, interrelated and depending each one on each other
Compilation of the diverse manifestations of language
The teaching of vocabulary, reading skill and writing should be developed at specific moments
Conative function
It plays an imperative or dominant role. It is carried out when the speaker want to control the behaviour of the receiver
Simple and informal language
Repetitive vocabulary Idioms and interjections Simple grammar (omissions, disorder) Simple connectors Self corrections and repairs
Planned, complex and formal language:
Rich vocabulary Well structured Rich grammar Varied connectors Subordinated sentences
Introduction 1
- Relevance of communication: exchange information, progress, society…
- Communication -KC RD-
- Bona (2015) propose communicative methodologies in order to achieve communicative citizens
- Prospective