Legislation Flashcards
To acquire in at least one foreign language the basic communicative competence that allows them to express and understand simple messages and function in everyday situations
RD 126/2014 Art 7 + LOMLOE 7
Order Art. 4 + Decree Art. 8
Primary Education goal is to facilitate learning of expression and comprehension in order to guarantee the integral development of the students.
RD 9.2.
Reading promotion - dedicate some daily time
Key Competences
RD 126/2014 - Art 2.2.
D97/2015 - Art 6.
RD Stage objective A
To appreciate values and social rules, respecting human beings right and plurarity of a democratic society.
RD Stage objective D
To get to know, comprehend and respect different cultures and differences between people, equality of rights, genres and non-discrimination
RD Stage objective H
Get to know the fundamental aspects related to Natural and Social Science, Geography, History and the Culture.
Ev Criteria culture 1 cycle
To show interest in learning the foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an element which enrichs everyone
Ev Criteria culture 2 cycle
To identify some aspects of the everyday life in other countries where the foreign language is spoken and to compare them with ours.
Ev Criteria culture 3 cycle
To VALUE the FL as an instrument of communication with other people and as a tool to learn
To show INTEREST towards the people who speak the FL
To identify some FEATURES, costumes and traditions from the countries where the FL is spoken
RD 126/2014 OBJ i
To get started in the use for learning of ICT and communication, developing a critical spirit towards the messages they recieve or elaborate.
Order Art 11
Flexible organisation and personalised attention of the students.
Order of Jan 15th, Article 23
The evaluation of the students’ learning progress must be continuous, formative, integrative, diferenciate and objective and it will be an instrument for the improvement of TLP.
Order Art 4.4.
Reading as a tool for the development of KC.
Daily time reading in order to develop a reading habit.
Order Art. 4.5.
DUA will be promoted to guarantee an effective inclusive education, allowing access to the curriculum to all the students with specific needs of educational support.
Educational administrations will provide the necessary means for all students to achieve the maximum personal, intellectual, social and emotional development.
RD 126/2014 Preamble
Curriculum allows different organisation of curricular elements and choose the most appropiate methodology for the group of students
Decree 97 Article 8 reading
The first contacts with literature should include different formats and reading should be used as a tool to improve learning to learn skills.
To acquire basic communicative competence in at least one foreing language to enable them to express and understand simple messages and get by in everyday situations
To develop individual and team-working habits, effort, responsibility for their work, self-confidence, critical, planning and taking decisions abilities
To develop their affective capacities in all aspects of personality and in their relations with others. Develop an attitude against violence, prejudices of any type and sexist stereotypes
To demonstrate a receptive attitude, of progressive confidence in one’s own ability to learn and use the FL
To use effectively the knowledge, experiences and communication strategies acquired in other languages for a faster, more efficient and autonomous acquisition of the FL
To listen and understand messages in varied verbal interactions, using the transmitted information to carry out concrete tasks diverese and related to their experience
To value the FL and the languages in general as a mean of communication between people of different origins and culture developing a positive attitude towards the plurilingual and pluricultural diversity integrated in our Andalusian community
To lesrn to use with progressive autonomy all the means at their disposal, including new technologies, to obtain information and to communicate in the FL
To identify phonetic, rhythm, accentuation and intonation aspects, as well as linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the FL, using them as basic elements of communication
To express and interact in simple and habitual situations, using verbal and nonverbal procedures and attending to the rules of communicative exchange to respond with sufficent autonomy and in an appropriate, respectful and cooperative and correct way in everyday situations
To write texts for different purposes on topics previously discussed in the classroom and with the help of given models
To read, in a comprehensible way, diverse texts related to their experiences and interest, to extract general and specific information and to communicate in the FL
Instructions of March 8th
Instructions of March 8th, 2017, of General Direction of Participation and Equity, by which it is updated the protocol of detection, identification of students with special needs of educational support and the organisation of an educational answer.
Decree 97 Art 4 OBJ F
To know and respect the cultural reality of Andalusia, starting from the knowledge and the understanding of the same as the community of encounter of cultures.
E.C. 2.01
02.01. Comprender el sentido general de textos
orales cortos y sencillos
02.01.01. Comprende mensajes y anuncios
públicos que contengan instrucciones, indicaciones
u otro tipo de información (por ejemplo, números,
precios, horarios, en una estación o en unos grandes
EC 2.02.
LE.02.02. Identificar ideas y estructuras sintácticas
básicas en una conversación captando el significado
de lo que nos quiere transmitir
LE.02.02.01. Entiende lo que se le dice en transacciones habituales sencillas LE.02.02.02. Comprende lo esencial de anuncios publicitarios LE.02.02.03. Entiende la información esencial en conversaciones breves y sencillas
EC 2.03.
LE.02.03. Conocer la idea principal en diferentes
situaciones comunicativas sobre temas cotidianos
como: diálogos, entrevistas, etc., reconociendo y
diferenciando patrones sonoros y rítmicos básicos en
la entonación, y apoyándose en materiales
audiovisuales diversos
LE.02.03.01. Identifica el tema de una conversación cotidiana predecible que tiene lugar en su presencia LE.02.03.02. Comprende el sentido general y lo esencial y distingue los cambios de tema de programas de televisión u otro material audiovisual dentro de su área de interés
EC 2.04
LE.02.04. Realizar presentaciones y descripciones
breves, empleando estructuras sintácticas sencillas,
conectores básicos y un vocabulario adecuado
LE.02.04.01. Hace presentaciones breves y sencillas, previamente preparadas y ensayadas, sobre temas cotidianos o de su interés
EC 2.05.
LE.02.05. Participar en una conversación sencilla y
breve de uso cotidiano, haciéndose entender, con
pronunciación entonación y ritmo básicos, usando
algunas expresiones sencillas sobre temas cercanos,
técnicas no verbales (gestos, expresiones, contacto
visual…) y un vocabulario adecuado a la situación
LE.02.05.01. Se desenvuelve en transacciones cotidianas (p.e. pedir en una tienda un producto y preguntar el precio). LE.02.05.02. Participa en conversaciones cara a cara o por medios técnicos (teléfono, Skype) en las que se establece contacto social, se intercambia información personal y sobre asuntos cotidianos LE.02.05.03. Participa en una entrevista, p. e. médica nombrando partes del cuerpo para indicar lo que le duele.
EC 2.06
LE.02.06. Comprender el sentido de un texto o
en diferentes soportes, con apoyos visuales y
contextualizados, con un léxico sencillo
LE.02.06.01. Comprende instrucciones, indicaciones, e información básica en notas, letreros y carteles LE.02.06.02. Comprende información esencial y localiza información específica en material informativo sencillo como menús, horarios, catálogos...
EC 2.07.
LE.02.07. Comprender el sentido global de un texto
sobre situaciones cotidianas y temas habituales,
utilizando estrategias de comunicación comprensión
LE.02.07.01. Comprende correspondencia breve y sencilla que trate sobre temas familiares. LE.02.07.02. Comprende lo esencial y los puntos principales de noticias breves. LE.02.07.03. Comprende lo esencial de historias breves y bien estructuradas e identifica a los personajes principales.
LE.02.08. Conocer los aspectos socioculturales y
sociolingüísticos básicos (una felicitación, invitación,
etc.) y los utiliza para reproducir textos breves y
LE.02.08.01. Completa un breve formulario o una ficha con sus datos personales
EC 2.09
LE.02.09. Crear textos breves ajustándose a la
función comunicativa.
LE.02.09.01. Escribe correspondencia personal breve y simple.