Submandibular & Submental (Anterior) Cervical Triangles Flashcards
what forms the borders of the anterior cervical triangle?
what forms the roof of the anterior cervical triangle?
superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissue and platysma)
what forms the floor of the anterior cervical triangle?
thyroid gland
name the 4 triangles of the anterior triangle
- submandibular (digastric)
- submental
- carotid
- muscular
what forms the boundaries of the submandibular triangle?
mandible & anterior & posterior bellies of digastric
what forms the floor of the submandibular triangle?
- mylohyoid
- hyoglossus
- styloglossus
- middle pharyngeal constrictor mm
name the nerves of the submandibular triangle
- hypoglossal (CN XII)
- glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
- mylohyoid
- lingual
name the arteries of the submandibular triangle
name the veins of the submandibular triangle
common facial v
what are the lymph nodes of the submandibular triangle?
submandibular lymph nodes
what fills the submandibular triangle?
submandibular gland
describe the location of the superficial part of the submandibular gland
superficial to mylohyoid
describe the location of the deep part of the submandibular gland
deep to mylohyoid & superficial to hyoglossus
the submandibular duct arises from the ____ part of the gland
what nerve loops under the submandibular duct?
lingual n
where does the submandibular duct open into?
sublingual papilla beside base of lingual frenulum
sensory innervation of submandibular gland
lingual n
motor innervation of submandibular gland
- preganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor from facial n
- synapse in submandibular ganglion (suspended from lingual n) then travel w arteries
- sympathetics from superior cervical ganglion (also travel w aa)
what forms the boundaries of the submental triangle?
- right & left anterior belly of digastric
- hyoid bone
what forms the floor of the submental triangle?
right & left mylohyoid mm that meet in a median raphe
nerves of the submental triangle
nerve to mylohyoid
nerve to mylohyoid is a branch of what nerve?
inferior alveolar n
arteries of the submental triangle
submental a
the submental artery is a branch of what artery?
facial a
veins of the submental triangle
beginning of anterior jugular v
what group of muscles form the “floor of the mouth?”
suprahyoid mm
name the suprahyoid muscles
- mylohyoid
- geniohyoid
- stylohyoid
- digastric
common action of suprahyoid muscles
with infrahyoid mm, depress mandible
suprahyoid muscles are also known as ____
extrinsic muscles of the larynx
the digastric triangle is bound by…
- anterior digastric
- mandible
- posterior digastric
a portion of the parotid gland lies within which triangle?