Carotid & Muscular (Anterior) Triangles Flashcards
what forms the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
- superior belly of omohyoid
- posterior belly of digastric
- anterior border of SCM
location of common carotid artery bifurcation
at superior border of thyroid cartilage (C3-C4)
describe the carotid sinus
- dilation at bifurcation and into internal carotid a
- baroreceptor innervated by CN IX and X SNS
describe the carotid body
- small dark mass of tissue on deep side of bifurcation
- chemoreceptor innervated by CN IX and X SNS
name the contents of the carotid sheath
- carotid aa (medial)
- internal jugular v (lateral)
- CN X: vagus (posterior)
what lymph nodes are located in the carotid triangle?
deep cervical
the common carotid artery is located in the ____ triangle
where is the carotid sinus located?
at bifurcation of common carotid a
describe the location of ansa cervicalis
embedded in fascia of anterolateral aspect of carotid sheath
how many branches does the internal carotid artery give in the neck?
how many branches does the external carotid artery give in the neck?
6 branches & 2 terminal branches
name the branches of the external carotid artery
- superior thyroid a
- ascending pharyngeal a
- lingual a
- facial a
- occipital a
- posterior auricular a
- maxillary a
- superficial temporal a
the superior laryngeal artery is a branch of what artery?
superior thyroid a
the cervical plexus contains ____ rami of ____
what forms the loops of the cervical plexus?
C2-C4 divide into ascending & descending branches that unite with the branches of adjacent nn to form loops
the cervical plexus lies anteromedial to what muscles?
levator scapulae & middle scalene
the cervical plexus lies posterior to what muscle?
superficial branches of the cervical plexus are ____
what joins to form ansa cervicalis?
superior root (C1 & C2)
inferior root (C2 & C3)
name the terminal branches of the external carotid artery
- maxillary a
- superficial temporal a
what muscles are innervated by ansa cervicalis?
- omohyoid
- sternothyroid
- sternohyoid
innervation of thyrohyoid
receives C1 fibers that travel with hypoglossal n (n to thyrohyoid)
what forms the superior root of ansa cervicalis?
C1 & C2 join & descend from hypoglossal n
deep branches of the cervical plexus are ____
long thoracic nerve pierces what muscle?
middle scalene
location of phrenic nerve
lies on surface of anterior scalene m
name 3 nervous functions of phrenic nerve
vagus nerve is located within the ____
carotid sheath
name the 2 branches of the superior laryngeal nerve
- internal laryngeal n (sensory)
- external laryngeal n (motor)
the internal laryngeal nerve pierces the ____ with the ____
thyrohyoid membrane
superior laryngeal a
the external laryngeal nerve travels inferiorly, paralleling ____
superior thyroid a
cricothyroid is innervated by ____
external laryngeal n
the cervical sympathetic trunk is located posterior to the ____
carotid sheath
how many white rami communicantes branch from cervical spinal levels?
name the cervical ganglia of the cervical sympathetic trunk
the cervical ganglia receive ____ fibers from ____
postganglionic fibers of the cervical sympathetic trunk travel via ____ to…
gray rami communicantes
- spinal nn
- thoracic viscera
- head & neck viscera
postganglionic fibers of the cervical sympathetic trunk travel with ____
what forms the boundaries of the muscular triangle?
- superior belly of omohyoid
- anterior border of SCM
- anterior midline of neck
what type of muscles are infrahyoid muscles?
name the infrahyoid muscles
- sternohyoid
- omohyoid
- sternothyroid
- thyrohyoid
cricothyroid is covered with ____
what is the only infrahyoid muscle innervated by CN XII?
innervation of sternohyoid, omohyoid, & sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis
name the pericervical lymph nodes
- submental
- submandibular
- parotid
- mastoid
- occipital
superficial lymph vessels of the neck follow ____, while deep lymph vessels follow ____
all lymph vessels of the neck drain into ____ along the ____
deep cervical lymph nodes
internal jugular v
the carotid sinus & body are located at which vertebral level?
the omohyoid muscle is innervated by which nerve?
ansa cervicalis