Stuff I Don't Know P1 Flashcards
What physical adaptations do skeletal muscles have after long-term flexibility training?
- Inhibition to stretch reflex - muscle spindles lengthen
- Muscles stretch further before stretch reflex limits flexibility
- ↑ resting length of skeletal muscle
How does altitude training affect body?
- ↑ manufacture red blood cells
- ↑ haemoglobin conc. in blood flowing to active tissue - ↑ O2 carrying capacity of blood
- ↓ plasma vol (slower long term adaptation)
Whats equation for THR?
HRrest + (required %) x HRmaxR
HRmaxR = HRmax - HRrest
Caused weight acting vertically at CoM - cartwheel
How do you remember order of vertbral column?
Collin Thought Lucy Supported Chelsea
Cevical Thorasic Lumber Sacrum Coccyx
- State equilibrium
- Ability body resist motion + remain at rest
Net Force
Sum all diff vectors
Eccentric Phase
- Preloading muscle groups
- Storing elastic energy
- Muscle spindles stimulated - stretched sends singal to spinal cord
Equation Ventilation
Tidal volume x frequecency
CoM over base support
Fixator muscle
- Muscles that stabilises orgin of joint
- Eg. core staying strong during horse riding
How do you remember axial skeleton + what is it’s function?
Verstappen Stole Sergio’s Visors
Protect vital organs
Vertebral column Skull Sternum Ribs
How do you remember the appendicular skeleton + what is it’s function?
Hamilton Stole Leclerc’s Apple
Hip girdle Shoulder girdle Leg bones Arm bones
What is minute ventilation?
Vol air inspired/expired form person’s lungs per minute
Synergist muscles
- Muscles work together with other muscles to complete movements
- Eg. Pectoralis major, triceps brachii + deltoids all work together whrn doing push ups