Freatures that can aid in measuring the strain present in the rock
Strain markers
Total strain of the rock is the result of
Progressive Deformation
This relates instantaneous shape of a rock mass at any one time to its initial
Total Finite Strain
Final or cumulative state in a series of defromational events
Finite Strain
Sepearate steps that occur as small distortion events throgh progressive defromation
Incremental Strain
Strain restricted to very small strain
Infinitesimal strain
Foliding is what kind of defromation
Requirements for strain markers
1) Dapat known ang orig shape
2) Dapat same mechanical propertes as the rock mass (Kung brittle, brittle)
in what types of rocks are reduction spots used as strain markers?
Mudstones and Slates, Shales
Strain Markers
Reduction Spots
Ooids and Pisolites
Fossils used as strain markes
Skolithos Tubes
Masses with a rounding glassy or vesicular top with a coarser grained more massive downard pointing base
A methods that assumes that ellipsoidal objects are originally spherical and thus measuring strain by obtainig the ratio of the principal planes
Plot of elongation X/Y and flattening Y/Z
Flinn Diagram (Derek Flinn)
In Flinn diagram as K approaches infinity the shape of the deformed object becomes
Constricted (Axial Elongation) nagiging hotdog
In Flin Diagram, as K approaches zero the shape of the marker becomes
Flattened (Axial Flattening) nagiging hammburger
In Flinn Diagram, what is the value of K if the strain is caused by pure or simple shear and the strain is plain and results to trixial ellipsoid
Apparent Flattening
Aparrent constriction
A geometric technique that measures angular distotion to set of lines that are originaly perpendicular to each other and which requires a minimum of 10 strain marker oriented randomly in same plane
Wellmans Method
Most fit fossil for wellmans methos
Brachiopod and Trilobites
Method of determnining homogenous strain in a rock mass containing deformed initially elliptical objects generally results in objects that remain elliptical. The shape of the final ellipse is determined by the intial shape and orientation of the starting ellipse relative to the shape and orientation of the strain ellipse.
In short (since ang ellipse pag nadeform ay ellipse pa rin, we can expect the final ellipse by comparing the starting shape to the strain ellipse)
Rf/theta (John Ramsay)
A method which assumes the uniform distribution of aggregeates or grains (ooids, sands, pebbles) which can be used to measure or dertermine the orientation of strain ellipse in the derfoemd aggregate.
This can be done by measuring distance and angles between reference grains and its nearest neighbor.
Center to Center Method
A simpler method wich measures angular relationships and distances between PARTICLES as they are indicative of accumulated strain the result is a diagram containig set of points with a circular to elliptical blank area relative to tshape and orienation of the strain ellipse. A circular area means there is no strain
Fry Method
Orientation of fibers in a vein indicates
Direction of opening of the vein
Curved fibers in a vein indicates
Rotation of the strain field during shear formation