What is the basic tenet of Plate Tectonic Theory?
The lithosphere is broken along major fault systems into larger slabs called as plates which move relative to one another. The presence of a breakable strong lithosphere allowed the formation of the plates while the fact that they overlie a plastic astenosphere accounts for their movement.
What marks the ends of plate boundaries?
Triple Junctions (where three plates meet)
What are the minor plates?
Caribbean, Cocoz, JuandeFuca,Philppines,Arabian, Nazca and Scotia
What are the seven major lithospheric plates which account for 94% of the Earth’s Surface Area?
NAm, S Am, Pacific, African, Eurasian, Australian-Indian and Antarctic
What are the major plate boundary which is defined by the relative movment of plates
Divergent, Convergent, Transform plate boundaries
What are the hybrid plate bboundaries
Divergent Transform and Convergent Transform
Occurs where two plates are moving apart relative to the boundary resulting in upwelling of hot material from the mantle to create new sea floor?
Divergent Plate bOundaries
Another term for divergent plate boundaries relative to creation of new seafloor
Spreading Centers
Characteristics of DPB?
Horizontal Extension and vertical thinning of the lithosphere
What marks extension in continental and oceanic lithosphere respectively?
Continental Rifts and
Oceanic Ridge system
how do continental rift systems form?
1) They form though progressive stretching and thinning of continental lithosphere.
2) Stretching occurs throgh brittle normal faulting at the surface and ductile flow below warmer level.
3) Once the lithosphere is thinned, uplift will happen due to rising of hot plastic astenophere 4) which will lead to rifting along normal fault which produce continental rift valleys
Name 3 rift valley and their locations
East African Rift,
Rio Grande Rift,
Dead Sea Rift
Surface evidence of an active upflow of mantle material in East African Rift?
Volcanism in Mt. Kilimanjaro and MT Kenya
the process in which prolonged extension and thinning of continental lithosphere produces two separate continents
Continental Rifting
What happens when continents rift?
When continents rift a ridge will remain as the remnant which will initiate sea floor spreading and eventually forms of new and growing ocean basin. as SFS continues, oceanic basin will continue to widen when sediments covers continental margins
MOst recent example of Continental Rifting
Arabian peninsula rifting from Africa which created the Red Sea Basin 5Ma ago
Age and ocean basin formed when india rifted from africa?
115Ma NW Indian Ocean basin
Age and ocean basin formed when NAm rifted frm Africa?
180 Ma N Antlanic Ocean Basin
What happens to the divergent boundary once the continents completely rifted?
It is now situated along spreading ridges in the oceanic crust where it is produced and grows through SFS
Elevated areas of the seafloor characterized by high heat flow and volcanism
Oceanic RIdges
This is a deep canyonlike structure formed along crests of some ridge segments
Rift Valley
This is the largest/longest mountain range of the Earth which convers roughly 20% of the Surface?
Oceanic Ridge System
Segments of the Oceanic Ridge system?
east Pacific Rise, MidAtlantic Ridge, Mid indian rige, SW and SE indian ridge, Galapagos Ridge (N of Nazca), Chile Ride (S of Nzaca)
The average dimensions of oceanic Ridge system?
L:>65,000km W: 1,500 km H: 3km above surroundin sea floor
Average slope of ORS?
0.4 deg
Which have gentler and steeper slopes in the ORS of Earth?
Warmer, faster east pacific ridge system is gentler colder and slower mid atlanic ridge is steeper
Movement rate or east pacific ridge system?
6-18cm/yr (Heff) 15cm (tarbuck)
Movement rate of midatlantic ridge?
2-4cm/yr (Heff), 2cm/yr (tarbuck)
What marks the central or axial portion of ORS which marks the divergen plate boundary in oceanic lithosphere?
Rift valley
Explain the theory of seafloor spreading
oceanic crust and lithosphere forms along the axis of ridge systems or in rift valleys and tends to spread away from it in both directions which causes the ocean to grow through time
who discovered Theory of Seafloor Spreading?
harry Hess
Explain how an ophiolite is formed?
A gabbroic melt which crystallizes well below the chamber forms the plutonic grabbroic unit, when some of those melts intrudes near vertical faractures above the chamber it forms the basalti-gabbroic sheeted dikes. Meanwhile as magma intrudes to the surface, it forms the pillow basalt unit due to the quenchin of sea water. Layer 1 represents the seds that are deposited on top of the basltc unit. Meanwhile below the magma chamber is a representative of the mantle consisting of ultramafic rocks which is formed by differentiaton near the base of the gabbroic magma bodies
Explain underplating?
Thickening of lithosphere from below which occurs as the solid, unmelted portion of the asthneosphere spreads laterally and cools through a critical temp below which it become strong enough to fracture. Underplating preceeds subduction
When will subduction happen?
When density of oceanic lithosphere exceeds that of the underlying asthenosphere
What does seafloor spreading theory imply with the age of OC?
As OC moves away from the ridge axis, it becomes older
General relationship between age and thickness of OC?
The older, the cooler the thicker
This is the process by which the leading edge of a denser lithospheric plate is forced downard into the underlying asthenosphere
What do you call the downgoing plate?
Subducted plate or downgoing slab
What do you call the less dense plate?
Overriding plate
in which setting will a subduction have relatively low angle?
In young subduction zone near spreading centers
At what depths woul partial melting of subducting slab occur?
What is the product of oceanic-continental convergence?
Continental Volcanic Arc
what is the product of oceanic-oceanic convergence?
Volcanic Island Arc
Where is Mt. Pelee located? which erupted in 1902 killing 28K
What is the composition of the subducting slab that have ave thickness of 100km
oceanic lithosphere
What is the role of subduction in recycling of plates?
It is the major process by which oceanic lithosphere is destroyed and recycle into astenhosphere at rates similar to that of MOR production
What is the surface expression of subduction zones?
Trench-arc Systems
What are trenches?
These are deep, elongated troughs in the ocean floors marked by water depths that can approach 11km
How are trenches formed?
When the subducting plate forces the overriding slab to bend downwars thus forming a narrowlong trough along the boundary
What is the Wadati-Benioff Zone?
It is an inclines seismic zone which is the source of some of the notable eqartquake produced by the stress-reaction of the cool interior of the subducting slab as the asthenosphere resists its downward movement
To whom was this zone named after?
Kiyoo Wadati and Hugo Benioff
examples of equakes produced in inclined seismic zones?
CHile (1909), Alaska (1964), and Sumatra (2004)
A tsunami event in 2004 caused by subduction zone beneath sumatra?
Banda Aceh tsunami
What is the ultimate fate of subducting slab?
Either it flatten out as they reach 660 km above the transition zone or they may reach the D’’ layer and eventually melt to contribute in the formation of mantle plumes
This image is a 3D variation in seismic wave velocity w/in the mantle and was used to understand the d’’
Seismic Tomography
There are the two processes in which the continental crust is generated
Underplating and intrusion
Aside from volcanic magmatic arcs what are the other possible product of subduction zones especially when magma just intrude the crust?
Batholith Belts
in which parts of a magmatic arc are the huge volumes of detrital sed rocks produced by erosion deposited?
Forearc and Backarc basins
When does continental collision occur?
When almost the entire oceanic curst have already been consume and subduction cease because continental lithosphere s too bouyant to be subducted, as convergence continues, the margins of both continenta plates are compressed and shortened horizontally and thickened veritically