Rocks are formed by the concealed heat in the interior of Earth
Rocks are formed by settling from a large ocean whose level gradually dropped over time
Earth’s Surface is shaped bysudden, worldwide catastrophies and will cotinue to be unchanged until such event happen
The process operating on earth at present are the same processes which shaped the earth before at different rates
Major Geological changes is caused by small incremental, continuous changes which operate up unto this day
Law of Superposition
Layer above is younger layer below is older in a horizontal undisturbed strata
Law of Original Horizontality
Layered are originally deposited horizontal or sub horizontal if they are inclined, they must have undergone deformation after theyhad been deposite and lithified
Law of Lateral Continuity
Seds would spread laterally until: (1) They thin out at the edge of a basin (2) Stop at a depositinal Barrier or, (3) Grade into another sediment
Law of Cross Cutting Relationship
When fault or intrusion cuts through a rock, the fault of intrusion is youger than the rock it cuts
Principle of Incusions
The rock mass containing an inclusion is younger than the inclusion itself
Law of Faunal Sucession
Fossils succeed one another ina determinable and definite order
Pumpelly’s Rule
Small Scale tends to mimic style of large scale formations of the same generation within the same area
Law of Self Similarity
Large scale configuration can be visualized and not necessarily to observe the full extent of such feature
Walther’s Law
Only formations that once existed side by side can be vertically juxtaposed or stacked
Uniformity law
Biological, Chemical and Physical Laws are always the same
Principle of Simplicity
No extra, fanciful explanations should be invoked if processes can be explained by simple existing laws andconcepts
Amonton’s Law
The stress necessary to initatite sliding in a contact plane is directly proportional to theperpendicular stress
Coulomb’s Criteria of Failure
Shearing is initiatied upon reaching a critical stress equal to the inherent stress plus the norml stress multrplied by the coefficient of internal friction
Hartman’s Rule
The maximum principal stress bisects conjugate shear planes