- Study of the Chemistry of the universe
- Theoretical Age of the UNiverse
13.7 Ga
- Who proposed big bang theory?
Belgian Priest, George Lemaitre
Model of the evolution of the universe that postulates its origin from a hot dense mass that expanded rapidly and cooled
Big Bang
- When was big bang proposed?
1920s (1927)
- Evidences or Supporting observation of Big Bang?
1) REd Shift or the Expansion of the Universe
2) Abundance of light elements such H, He, Li, and
3) Pervasive Background Radiation or Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation
- Who proposed Red Shift and when?
Edwin Hubble in 1929
- Who obseved the Cosmic Microwave Radiation?
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1965
- Where did CMBR first observed?
Bell Telephone Laboratories
- What 2 methods were used by scientists to date the universe?
1) Oldest Stars, and
2) Extrapolation though the rate of expansion of galaxies
A segment of universe formation wherein the universe became neutral and Opaque
Dark Age
End of Dark Age
Cosmic Ionization
Nuclear Process which forms stars
Nuclear Fusion
- This is the process of creation of elements
- This refers to the creation of H, He, and Li during the first few moments of big bang and became the starting ingredients for all other elements?
Cosmological Nucleosynthesis
- This refer to the creation of elements with atomic masses up to 26Fe through variety of nuclear reactions
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
- How do elements with atomic masses greater than 26 created?
Through explosive burning during supernova
- Sequence of burning during nucleosynthesis
H - He - C - O - Si- Fe