Any structure that can constitute a frabric that is expressed as a real or imaginart line
a topographic feature consisting of straight or aligned surficial features such as valleys and ridges
Lineations that are confined to isolated surfaces in a rock mass
Non Penetrative
Most common mesoscale non penerative lineation which are direct result of frictional sliding and flexural slip
when a polished or grooved surface is covered with fibrous crystals of calcite, quartz, chlorite,hematite and their long axes oriented in the direction of the movement
Line formed where two surfaces intersects
Intersection lineation
Consist of aligned ELONGATE mineral grains and grain aggregates including their pressure shadows
Mineral Lineation
Penetrative lineation that form at boundaries between differing rock types and consist of corrugate or scalloped surfaces that results from the competence contrast from layer to layer
Penetrative lineation cosists of lenticular segmets of a layer that has been pulled apart and flattened in such a way that the layer is segmented. The layer beeing segmente is less ductile than the surrounding material
Consists of segmented sausage shaped pieces of a single layer in which the lenticular segments parallel one another and results from extension in one direction
Ordinary Boudinage
Formed when there’s two direction of extension and the resulting boudinage is a series of 3D blocks
Chocolate block or tablert boundinage