Stem Cells CELL DIVISION Flashcards
What is an embryonic stem cell?
An egg and a sperm cell form a zygote when they fuse together. This creates a single new cell. That cell divides and becomes a hollow ball of cells - the embryo. The inner cells of this ball are the embryonic cells. They differentiate to form all of the specialised cells of your body.
What is an adult stem cell?
An undifferentiated cell of an organism that can give rise to many more cells of the same type.
Give an example of an adult stem cell?
Bone marrow have a good source of stem cells.
What type of cells cannot repair themselves?
Nerve cells.
How do stem cells help people with type 1 diabetes?
They inject themselves with insulin because the specialised cells in their pancreas don’t work.
What are the problems with embryonic cells?
It is a violation of human rights as the embryo cannot gives its permission. It would otherwise grow to be a human being.
They are difficult to to differentiate into the specific cells needed.
There is a risk of causing cancer.
Problems with adult stem cells?
They may be infected with viruses and so could transfer the infections to patients. They may trigger an immune response.
Where can embryonic cells be found?
Umbilical does blood
Amniotic fluid that surrounds the foetus as it grows. Using these instead may help to overcome some ethical concerns about their use.
What is therapeutic cloning?
Using cells from an adult to produce a cloned early embryo of themselves.
An embryo is produced with the same genes as the patient so the stem cells produced are not rejected and may be used for medical treatment.
What do stem cells have the potential to treat?
Spinal cord after injuries Diabetes Heart after a damage in a heart attack Eyesight in the blind Damaged bone and cartilage.