Why do plants photosynthesise?
To make their own food.
Where does photosynthesis happen?
In the chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts.
What type of reaction is photosynthesis?
Because it needs an input of energy from the environment.
What is the equation for photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide + water —-> glucose + oxygen
6CO2 + 6H2O —-> C6H12O6 + 6O2
What is oxygen in photosynthesis?
A by-product.
How are leaves perfectly adapted for photosynthesis?
Leaves are broad, which gives them a large surface area.
Thin so the diffusion distance for the gases is short.
Contain chloroplasts and chlorophyll to absorb light.
Remove products of photosynthesis in the phloem tube. Bring plenty of water in the xylem tubes.
Air spaces to allow carbon dioxide to get to the cells and oxygen to leave by diffusion.
Guard cells that open and close the stomata to regulate gas exchange.
How is light a limiting factor of photosynthesis?
If there is plenty of light, lots of photosynthesis will happen. If there is little or no light, photosynthesis will stop.
How is temperature a limiting factor of photosynthesis?
As the temperature rises, the rate of photosynthesis also increases as the reaction speed up. However, photosynthesis is controlled by enzymes. Most enzymes become denatured at around 40-50 degrees celsius. Therefore, if the temperature gets too high, the enzymes controlling photosynthesis are denatured and the rate of photosynthesis will fall.
How is the carbon dioxide concentration a limiting factor of photosynthesis?
Increasing the carbon dioxide rate increases the rate of photosynthesis. The carbon dioxide concentration around a plant tends to rise at night because in the dark a plant repaired but does not photosynthesise. As light intensity and temperature increase in the morning, most of the carbon dioxide around the plant gets used up.
Explain the light intensity and inverse square law.
As the distance of the light from the plant increases, the light intensity decreases. This is an inverse relationship, as one goes up the other goes down. Light intensity (inverse sign) 1/distance*2. For example, if you double the distance between the light and your plant, light intensity falls by a quarter.
What do plants build glucose into?
Complex carbohydrates such as cellulose.
What do plants use cellulose for?
To strengthen their cell walls.
What do plants convert some of their glucose into?
Into starch to be stored.
Why don’t plants keep the glucose as it is?
Glucose is soluble in water. If it was stored in the plant cells, it would affect they way water moves into and out of the cells by osmosis. Lots of glucose stored in plants could affect The water balance of the whole plant.
Why do plants convert glucose into starch?
Starch is insoluble in water. It is the main energy store.
It provides an energy store for when it is dark or when light levels are low.
How do you test for starch?
The iodine solution test.
Keep a plant in the dark for 24 hours. - the green chlorophyll would mask any colour change if this step doesn’t occur. Or the waxy cuticles would keep the iodine out.
You must boil the leaves in ethanol to destroy the waxy cuticle and remove the colour. The leaves are then rinsed in hot water to soften them.
Then add iodine. If starch is present it will turn blue-black.
The leaf that has been in the light will turn blue black. The iodine solution on the leaf kept in the dark remains orange-red.
What may the okays use glucose for?
To make amino acids which can be built up into proteins to be used in the plant for example as enzymes.
The plant may also make lipids to build up fats and oils. They are sometimes used in cell walls to make them stronger.
What does the greenhouse allow you to do?
Control any limiting factors. Eg amount of light, carbon dioxide and temperature.
What system is know as hydroponics?
Growing plants in martinet filled water instead of soil.
What is the palisade layer?
The location of photosynthesis.
Has chloroplasts.
What is the lower epidermis layer?
Where the stomata are.
What does the upper epidermis do?
Provides protection.
What is an endothermic reaction?
A reaction that requires a transfer of energy from the environment.
What is glucose?
A simple sugar.
What is a limiting factor?
Limits the rate of the reaction, for example photosynthesis.
What is photosynthesis?
The process by which plants make food using carbon dioxide, water and light.