What direction do your arteries carry blood?
Away from your heart to the organs of your body.
What type of blood is in the arteries?
Bright-red oxygenated blood.
What direction do veins carry the blood?
Away from the organs and towards the heart.
What type of blood is found in the veins?
Deep purple-red deoxygenated blood.
Which blood vessel has valves?
Veins-to prevents the back flow of blood.
What blood vessel has a pulse?
The artery.
What are the capillaries?
They link the arteries and veins. They have very thin walls which allows oxygen and glucose to diffuse into and out of them.
What are the walls of the arteries like?
Thick walls containing muscle and elastic fibres.
What type of walls do veins have?
Thin walls.
What type of circuitry System do we have?
Double circulatory system. One transport system carries blood from your heart to your lungs and back again. This allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to be exchanged writhing the air in the lungs. The other carries blood from your heart to all other organs of your body and back again.