Stats's Final Part II Flashcards
Type 1 error
Rejects null hypothesis when it is actually true
Confidence Interval
A possible range of values for the population parameter
Null Hypothesis
A claim to be tested
Number of standard deviations that the observation falls above or below the mean
Point estimate
When a single value is given as an estimate of a parameter
What is the symbol of null hypothesis
Ho (letter H lowercase o)
Shorthand Distribution Formula
N( μ, σ)
What makes an observation independent?
random sample that is less than 10% of population
Sampling Distribution
Distribution of a statistic that comes from multiple samples from one population
What does σ stand for?
Standard Deviation
the t-distribution degrees of freedom
What does μ stand for
Type 2 error
Failure to reject null hypothesis
Degrees of Freedom Formula
Normal Distribution Model
bell shaped curve that is symmetric and has one maximum
When is t-distribution needed?
When you draw conclusions on a sample mean
Standard Normal Distribution is
When the μ= 0 and σ = 1
T distribution
Single parameter that is centered at zero
What does n symbolize
Sample Size
Alternative Hypothesis
Claim to be tested that is within possible parameter values
What is the notation for alternative hypothesis?
What is the notation for null hypothesis
Ho: μ