SSB End of Lesson 19 Flashcards
What is a past participle?
The past participle is a verb form that is essential to the conjugation of compound tenses. Past participles are also often used as adjectives or for the passive voice. In English, past participles end in “-ed” or “-en”: “I’ve already cooked - Ya he cocinado. “I’ve already eaten” - Ya he comido.
How do you form a past participle?
The past participle for regular verbs is formed by adding -ado to the stem of -ar verbs or -ido to the stem of -er or -ir verbs.
Can past participles be used as adjectives?
Yes, past participles are often used as adjectives. When they do, they agree in number and gender: “The girls are tired” –> Las niñas están cansadas.
Translate to Spanish:
I’ve canceled the trip
He cancelado el viaje
canceled - cancelado. This is the past participle of the verb cancelar. Add -ado to the stem of the verb.
Translate to Spanish:
Repeat what you have learned
Repite lo que has aprendido
learned - aprendido. This is the past participle of the verb aprender. Add -ido to the stem of the verb.
Translate to Spanish:
She’s lived in 12 countries
Ella ha vivido en doce países
lived - vivido (-ir past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
We’ve already explained it to her
Ya se lo hemos explicado
explained - explicado (-ar past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
You all have not met my friend Alexander?
¿No habéis conocido a mi amigo Alejandro?
met - conocido (-er past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
His books have been translated into many languages
Sus libros han sido traducidos a muchos idiomas
translated - traducido (-ir past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
When they got back, I had already eaten
Cuando volvieron, yo ya había comido
I had eaten (past perfect) - (yo) había comido. Note that in Spanish compound tenses, the helping verb haber and its participle are never separated.
Translate to Spanish:
You had done a lot for them
Tú habías hecho mucho para ellos
you had done (past perfect) - habías hecho
Translate to Spanish:
Monica had been happy
Mónica había estado feliz
he/she had been (past perfect) - (él/ella/Ud) había estado
Translate to Spanish:
My brother and I had reserved a hotel room
Mi hermano y yo habíamos reservado un cuarto en el hotel
we had reserved (past perfect) - habíamos reservado
Translate to Spanish:
You all had aready left when they arrived
Ustedes ya se habían ido cuando llegaron
you had left (past perfect, Spain) - habíais ido
Translate to Spanish:
They had sung for the president
Habían cantado para el presidente
they had sung (past perfect) - habían cantado
Translate to Spanish:
I had moved to California for a year
Me había mudado a California por un año
I had moved (changed residence) - me había mudado. Recall that mudarse is a reflexive verb, and that the reflexive pronoun should go before the helping verb in compound tenses.
Translate to Spanish:
Had you reserved a hotel room before your trip?
¿Habías reservado un cuarto en el hotel antes del viaje?
you had reserved (in a hotel, restaurant) - tú habías reservado
Translate to Spanish:
She had bumped into an old friend in Berlin
Ella se había tropezado con un viejo amigo en Berlín
he/she had bumped into (past perfect) - él/ella/Ud se había tropezado con
Translate to Spanish:
We had told her everything
Le habíamos contado todo
We had told (past perfect) - nosotros habíamos contado
Translate to Spanish:
The teacher had posed a dificult problem to the class
La profesora había propuesto un problema difícil a la clase
she had posed, put forward (past perfect) - ella había propuesto
Translate to Spanish:
They had announced the good news before the party
Habían anunciado las buenas noticias antes de la fiesta
they had announced (past perfect) - ellos/ellas/Uds habían anunciado
Translate to Spanish:
I had already prepared it beforehand
Ya lo había preparado anteriormente
earlier, beforehand, previously - anteriormente
What are irregular past participles?
Some past participles in Spanish are irregular in that they do not end in -ado or -ido. Instead, they have entirely irregular forms: “I’ve already returned the books George lent me” –> Ya he devuelto los libros que Jorge me prestó.
Translate to Spanish:
You’ve opened my eyes to the truth
Me has abierto los ojos a la verdad
opened - abierto. Note that this is the irregular past participle of the verb abrir. The form *abrido *does not exsit.
Translate to Spanish:
The boy covers the table with a tablecloth
El niño cubre la mesa con un mantel
to cover, conceal - cubrir
Translate to Spanish:
The company has covered all the costs
La empresa ha cubierto todos los costos
covered, concealed (irregular past participle) - cubierto. The noun costo comes from the verb costar, “to cost.” An alternative is gasto, or “expense.”
Translate to Spanish:
She’s told me everything about the trip
Me ha dicho todo sobre el viaje
said, told - dicho. Note that this is the irregular past participle of the verb decir. (The form decido does not exist.)
Translate to Spanish:
I read the words written on the piece of paper
Leí las palabras escritas en la hoja de papel
written - escrito (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
I like to fry eggs for breakfast
Me gusta freír huevos para desayuno
to fry - freír
Translate to Spanish:
For breakfast I made fried eggs
Para el desayuno preparé huevos fritos
fried - frito (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
The homework is well done
La tarea está bien hecha
made, done - hecho (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
Did the machine print your name on the ticket?
¿Imprimió la máquina tu nombre en el boleto?
to print - imprimir
Translate to Spanish:
Your name is printed on the ticket
Tu nombre está impreso en el boleto
printed - impreso (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
He was sad because his dog had died
Estaba triste porque su perro se había muerto
dead, deceased - muerto (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
I placed your books and pencils on the table
He puesto tus libros y lápices en la mesa
put, placed - puesto (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
They want to resolve the problem
Quieren resolver el problema
to resolve - resolver
Translate to Spanish:
The problem has been resolved
El problema se ha resuelto
resolved - resuelto (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
All my pencils are broken
Todos mis lápices están rotos
broken - roto (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
Does his work satisfy him?
¿Le satisface su trabajo?
to satisfy - satisfacer
Translate to Spanish:
He’s satisfied by the work he’s doing.
Está satisfecho del trabajo que está haciendo.
satisfied - satisfecho
Translate to Spanish:
I haven’t seen her in a long time
No la he visto en mucho tiempo
seen - visto (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
The president has returned from Europe
Ha vuelto el presidente desde Europa
returned from somewhere - vuelto (irregular past participle)
Translate to Spanish:
He has already returned the book to me
Ya me ha devuelto el libro
returned to someone - devuelto (irregular past participle)