French Listening Practice 2 Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your French listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
Tu dois te battre pour obtenir ce que tu veux.
You have to fight for what you want.
What is being said?
C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron.
Practice makes perfect.
What is being said?
Je suis content que tu sois d’accord.
I’m glad you agree.
What is being said?
Qui t’a dit ça ?
Who told you that?
What is being said?
Gardez la monnaie.
Keep the change.
What is being said?
J’ai rien compris à ce que t’as dit.
I didn’t understand a word you just said.
What is being said?
Je ne sais pas si j’aurais assez de temps.
I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time.
What is being said?
J’ai été élevé dans une ferme, mais maintenant je vis en ville.
I grew up on a farm, but now I live in the city.
What is being said?
La maison est l’endroit où l’on va pour se détendre et passer du temps avec sa famille.
Home is where you go to relax and spend time with family.
What is being said?
Ne fais pas la même erreur que moi.
Don’t make the same mistake I did.
What is being said?
Pourquoi ne t’a-t-il pas écouté ?
Why didn’t he listen to you?
What is being said?
Le plan a été couronné de succès.
The plan was a success.
What is being said?
C’est la femme la plus courageuse que je connaisse.
She’s the bravest woman I know.
What is being said?
C’est la chose la plus folle que j’ai entendue dans ma vie.
That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
What is being said?
Ça fait des années que je dis cela.
I’ve been saying this for years.
What is being said?
Il n’est plus l’homme que je connaissais.
He’s not the man I used to know.
What is being said?
Je n’oublierai jamais la première fois que je t’ai vu.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw you.
What is being said?
Il chante mieux que tous les gens que je connais.
He sings better than anyone I’ve ever known.
What is being said?
Je reviens aussi vite que possible.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.
What is being said?
J’enverrai la lettre demain matin dès que possible.
I’ll send the letter first thing tomorrow morning.
What is being said?
Ce n’était pas si mal.
It wasn’t all that bad.
What is being said?
Il ne faut pas beaucoup de temps pour apprendre.
It doesn’t take much time to learn.
What is being said?
Les livres sont listés par titre, par ordre alphabétique.
The books are listed by title in alphabetical order.
What is being said?
Ça va bientôt changer.
That’s about to change.
What is being said?
Merci, mais ce ne sera pas nécessaire.
Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.
What is being said?
Ce qui est fait est fait.
What’s done is done.
What is being said?
Je vais juste rester tranquillement assis ici.
I’ll just sit here quietly.
What is being said?
Jetons un coup d’œil.
Let’s have a look.
What is being said?
Elle n’a présenté aucune excuse.
She made no excuses.
What is being said?
Elle te l’expliquera mieux que moi.
She’ll explain it to you better than I can.
What is being said?
Fais attention à ce que tu dis !
Watch your mouth!
What is being said?
Le chien ne va pas te faire de mal.
The dog won’t hurt you.
What is being said?
Ça fait combien de temps qu’elle est partie ?
How long ago did she leave?
What is being said?
Es-tu allé à la réunion du mois dernier ?
Did you go to the last monthly meeting?
What is being said?
J’ai oublié d’éteindre le four !
I forgot to turn off the oven!
What is being said?
Je n’arrive pas à croire que j’ai vu mon actrice favorite marcher dans la rue !
I can’t believe I saw my favorite actress walking along the street!
What is being said?
C’est seulement trois mois dans l’année.
It’s only three months out of the year.
What is being said?
Mets-le sur ma note.
Put it on my tab.
What is being said?
Donne-moi ton prix.
Name your price.
What is being said?
Faites-moi sortir d’ici !
Get me outta here!
What is being said?
Je crois qu’elle pratique la médecine maintenant.
I think she’s practicing medicine nowadays.
What is being said?
C’est marrant, je pensais la même chose.
Funny—I was thinking the same thing.
What is being said?
…ce qui me fait penser, j’ai une réunion à six heures.
…which reminds me, I have a meeting at six.
What is being said?
Je suis sûr qu’il y a une bonne explication à tout cela.
I’m sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for all of this.
What is being said?
On le fera mieux la prochaine fois.
We’ll do it better next time.
What is being said?
C’était quoi ça !?
What was that!?
What is being said?
Que voulais-tu me demander ?
What did you want to ask me?
What is being said?
J’ai fait un cauchemar horrible la nuit dernière.
I had a terrible nightmare last night.
What is being said?
Si j’ai besoin d’aide, je te le dirai.
If I need any help, I’ll let you know.
What is being said?
Ça semblait une bonne idée sur le moment.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
What is being said?
Je peux voir que tu as besoin de prendre du repos.
I can see you need a break from your work.
What is being said?
S’il n’y a pas de docteur disponible, allez aux urgences.
If there’s no doctor available, go to the emergency room.
What is being said?
Tu devrais faire une pause.
You should take a break.
What is being said?
On va devoir s’y habituer.
We’ll have to get used to it.
What is being said?
Je crois qu’il s’est bien amusé.
I think he enjoyed himself.
What is being said?
Je crois que j’ai trouvé le problème.
I think I found the problem.
What is being said?
Imagine les possibilités !
Imagine the possibilities!
What is being said?
Il y a eu un changement de plans.
There’s been a change of plans.
What is being said?
Ça fait plus de dix ans que je la connais.
I’ve known her for over ten years.
What is being said?
C’est bon de voir que tu n’as pas perdu ton sens de l’humour.
It’s good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.
What is being said?
Il a eu ses grands moments…
He had his moments…
What is being said?
Je croyais qu’on était d’accord…
I thought we had reached an agreement…
What is being said?
Ne dis pas qu’on ne t’avait pas prévenu.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
What is being said?
Je ne t’ai jamais compris.
I’ve never understood you.
What is being said?
C’est normal de ne pas avoir d’appétit quand on est malade.
It’s normal not to have an appetite when you’re sick.
What is being said?
Sortez-le d’ici.
Get him out of here.
What is being said?
Je rendais visite à ma grand-mère tous les matins.
I used to visit my grandmother every morning.
What is being said?
Je vais voir ce que je peux faire.
I’ll see what I can do.
What is being said?
Puis-je faire une suggestion ?
May I make a suggestion?
What is being said?
C’est la seule chose qui était importante à ses yeux.
That’s all that mattered to him.
What is being said?
On a eu de la chance dans la vie.
We’ve been lucky in life.
What is being said?
Laisse tomber, c’était dans ma poche !
Never mind, it was in my pocket!
What is being said?
Parfois je me surprends moi-même.
Sometimes I even surprise myself.
What is being said?
Quelle offre généreuse!
What a generous offer!
What is being said?
Qu’est-ce qui t’est passé par la tête ?
What went through your mind?
What is being said?
Qu’as-tu acheté à Monica pour son anniversaire ?
What did you get Monica for her birthday?
What is being said?
Il est tombé et s’est cassé le bras en jouant au base-ball.
He fell and broke his arm playing baseball.
What is being said?
Elle n’aime pas cette idée et n’aime pas en parler.
She neither likes the idea nor likes speaking about it.
What is being said?
As-tu compris ce que Carlos t’a dit ?
Did you understand what Carlos told you?
What is being said?
Je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de leur rendre visite.
I didn’t get a chance to visit them.
What is being said?
J’ai organisé un dîner d’anniversaire, mais c’était censé être une surprise.
I arranged a birthday dinner, but it was supposed to be a surprise.
What is being said?
Je suis sûr qu’on arrivera à le réparer bientôt.
I’m sure we’ll be able to repair it soon.
What is being said?
Laisse-moi deviner.
Let me guess.
What is being said?
On n’a toujours pas eu de nouvelles d’eux.
We still haven’t heard from them.
What is being said?
Fais-le maintenant, avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
Do it now, before it’s too late.
What is being said?
Parfois, il ne savait pas quand la fermer.
Sometimes he just didn’t know when to shut up.
What is being said?
Pourriez-vous être plus précis ?
Could you be more specific?
What is being said?
Prends tout ton temps.
Take all the time you need.
What is being said?
J’ai besoin d’un endroit calme pour réfléchir.
I needed a quiet place to think.
What is being said?
Elle a toujours été là pour moi.
She was always there for me.
What is being said?
J’aimerais bien rencontrer cette personne.
I’d like to meet this person.
What is being said?
Comment vous êtes-vous rencontrés tous les deux ?
How did you two meet?
What is being said?
Tu devrais manger quelque chose.
You should eat something.
What is being said?
Il n’a pas perdu son sens de l’humour.
He hasn’t lost his sense of humor.
What is being said?
Je ne m’étais pas senti aussi bien depuis des années !
I feel better than I’ve felt in years!
What is being said?
Ce n’est pas ce que j’ai voulu dire !
That’s not what I meant to say!
What is being said?
Je me sens un peu nerveux.
I feel a little nervous.
What is being said?
Ça n’en vaut pas la peine.
It’s not worth it.
What is being said?
Je me demande combien de temps je devrais attendre avant de les rappeler.
I wonder how long I should wait to call them back.
What is being said?
Il y a toujours des travaux dans cette rue.
There’s always construction on that street.
What is being said?
Le chien a sauté dans l’eau pour aller chercher la balle.
The dog jumped into the water to fetch the ball.
What is being said?
Je pense que vous devriez en parler tous les deux.
I think the two of you should talk things over.
What is being said?
Mon chien aime bien passer sa tête à travers la fenêtre de la voiture.
My dog likes to stick his head out the car window.
What is being said?
Je me retrouve toujours coincé avec les enfants quand elle sort.
I always get stuck with the kids when she goes out.
What is being said?
Es-tu sûr que c’est une bonne idée ?
Are you sure this is a good idea?
What is being said?
Tu ne devrais pas attendre le dernier moment.
You shouldn’t wait until the last minute.
What is being said?
Tu as à peine touché ta nourriture.
You barely touched your food.
What is being said?
J’ai cru qu’il n’allait jamais partir.
I thought he’d never leave.
What is being said?
J’ai tout le temps pour apprendre.
I have plenty of time to learn.
What is being said?
J’ai une théorie intéressante sur ça.
I have an interesting theory about that.
What is being said?
Leur relation n’est pas très saine.
They don’t have a very healthy relationship.
What is being said?
Il s’est avéré que c’est lui qui l’avait pris.
It turns out that he was the one who took it.
What is being said?
De nouvelles chaussures ne me feraient pas de mal.
I could use some new shoes.
What is being said?
Je sentais qu’il y aurait un problème.
I had a feeling there would be a problem.
What is being said?
Faisons-le. Juste pour s’amuser.
Let’s do it. Just for fun.
What is being said?
Je sais que tu connais toutes ses histoires par cœur, mais rentre dans son jeu.
I know you’ve already heard all his stories before, but just humor him.
What is being said?
Notre dur labeur a finalement été récompensé.
All our hard work paid off.
What is being said?
Vas-y doucement avec lui.
Go easy on him.
What is being said?
Ils m’ont ri au nez.
They laughed in my face.